From The Front Lines:Voices From Occupy Tokyo ( Day 7)

The Occupy Tokyo crowds have grown.  Mostly with Looky- Lous and undercover cops (ie. the guy in the shades) though.

I got circumscribed (sic), for cosmetic reasons, last week, so I'm not gonna be able to bring this little minx back to my place tonight. She's well up for it too. She can't keep her hands off me! Usually I do a little better but it's been a bad month. Besides, I can't dance due to my surgery. Why did I get cut you're thinking? Well, I want to marry a Korean girl and they demand it. 

I go to all the salsa events in Roppongi and it's a very insestuous scene there as I think you can imagine. It's the same 30 or 40 girls that I'm with so I'd like to expand my world a bit. Salsa is a good way for guys like me to get laid and stay in shape. I also like the causes at the Occupy Tokyo event, I think ethic Koreans should have the right to vote in Japan. They can in the US.  And that Kadafi, who is next on the Obama re-election hit list?

Chan Ho “ John” Baek, 33 of Shin Okubo thought there would be some cute gals he could meet at the Occupy Tokyo event happening since last week.

My cousin in New York told me he was fingering some chick he just met that night in Maniccoti Park down by Wall Street, and he didn't even wash his hands for a couple days! Tons of free gourmet food too. I hear it's a real meet market over there, a lot of my Korean friends living there are hitting it after they get off work.I hear a lot of women in New York City want to sleep with Asian men these days."

The newly circumcised Zainichi Korean feels Saori, is a bit below his high standards.

The Japanese media isn't covering this one at all... It's kind of lame but they've been told by the police to ignore us so we go away. It's working as I left the protest and came over here to the bar to work on this little one. The only ones watching us here are the cops. They keep us cooped up at this little park over there away from any foot traffic. Some reporters are there but just the shitty ones that write on Twitter and shitty blogs."

Chan Ho later whispered in my ear, “I might put her deep back in my rotation after my penis heals up, another two weeks and I should be good to go.”

 11 AM. This police vehicle is camouflaged to blend in with the movement and offer a surveillance point for undercover officers.

 Tsubasa Kato 29 of Koenji has been at the Occupy Tokyo event for the past 3 days.  
I've been here all week talking to people one on one about how we need to legalize medical marijuana in Japan. It's a way to supercharge you mind and be more creative. Japan is stuck in the 1930's mentality that it will make you crazy and kill people. I used to live in Berlin and we all smoked it. Any Japanese person who lived overseas has a different opinion about it. It's the ones who've been here all their lives who are so opposed."
  The Tokyo version ends at 6pm everyday and resumes at 10am. Those are the rules, anyone who violates them is subject to arrest and 23 days in jail before being charged with criminal trespass and released with a 250,000 yen fine. Tsubasa has handed out over 300 Pro - Marijuana pamphlets today which could get him in deep shit with the police as well.
"I figure that it's my body and if I wanna change my consciousness and chill out I shouldn't be locked up in a cage for it. I also think that we should allow gay marriage here and limit the number of Chinese allowed into the country. I'm not racist or gay or anything although I've had some gay experiences. It wasn't my choice though. Now, I'm not gonna say it's 'rape' because if the one on the bottom cums too, then most people don't think it's a rape.”

2:30 PM. Tsubasa takes his cause to the streets

Oh, whatever you do, don't eat the free food they're giving out. I  read a rumor on Twitter that it's been drugged to make people sleepy and give them intestinal distress. I bunch of people passed out on the first couple days before word got out. People always say that nothing is free in Japan, it's true!”

 6:01 pm The party is over for the day. The protesters were kept in a confined space. No toilets were available for anyone other than the cops.

I later met the sexy 36 year old Megumi Saito of Funabashi, she was frustrated about the mandatory 4,000 yen tariff on imported shoes she orders online. She is also against the glass ceiling in place at Japanese companies and thinks it's unfair that women have to wear ugly uniforms at her office while the men can wear whatever they choose.

 7pm. Those free wieners have guaranteed Sweet Megumi won't be back tomorrow to start more trouble.
I thought there might be come hot guys there. There were a few but they were all political and gross . There were also a lot of creepy guys just there to grope girls when we marched in circles. There was no leader. We Japanese like to have a leader. No one knew what was going on and it seemed like the police were telling us where to go and to be quiet when we chanted too much. We listened too.

I think the cute guys were probably police because they wouldn't eat the free hot dogs with me. I was warned by some weirdos a couple times but had a few anyway. I was pissing out of my asshole for about an hour and a half then I left and passed out on the platform. I vomited when I woke up.

Fuck TEPCO, Chan Ho and the free hot dogs that may have been between this undercover cops buns.  I'm going home to eat something else.


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