Drama at the Tokyo Anti Mask Protest

My new friend, the English speaking Youtuber, Abe-chan, was distracted by petty bullshit while trying to lead the march.

So, how’s the protest going? Do you think you’re raising awareness about the PCR test and mask non- compliance?

This whole thing is a clusterfuck. I can’t focus on this today. Yuusuke, the heartthrob of the Tokyo #BLMJapan/#StopAsianHate/#TokyoAntiMaskers/ #StopTheSteal movement, posted on Twitter he was coming the Ikebukro march. So Rua, who’s kind of on the cusp of the Tokyo protest scene anyway, sees the post and comes. But, she posted she was coming on #StopThePCRJapan, and her pathetic stalker, Ryu-chan saw and he came to march too. Ryu-chan doesn’t care at all about the movement, he’s just in love with Rua. Rua got this new tattoo on her thigh. It got like 800 likes on Instagram last week. She’s dying to show off in public, so she wearing these little short shorts that expose her legs, even in the brisk weather. Ryu-chan, he would be out of his depth in a parking lot puddle.

The mesmerized Ryu-chan couldn't keep his eyes off of Sweet Rua, or her new tattoo.

Have you seen much media coverage leading up to today’s march? The turnout is less than I expected.

Yuusuke posted he was coming and he has a lot of followers, I think like 200,000 on Instagram, mostly women who like his selfies and pep talks on how on meet a cool guy like him. So, I was expecting some of his fans to come, but I just see a bunch of losers and lookie-loos about.

Yuusuke's Instagram fans from Kawasaki were hoping to get a wave and a wink from him.

I don’t even think rich kid Yuusuke would touch Rua in a romantic way, I’m sure a cool guy like him has a lot going on and dates classier chicks. You know, like Keio types or 8-9 chicks that worked overseas and fucked a lot of white corporate, married guys.

Anyways, to complicate things even further, Holden, this little, douchey American kid started chatting up Rua in pretty good Japanese- right in front of Ryu-chan. He tried to play it off like he didn’t mind, but his blood was boiling. It didn’t help he was wearing these little fruity sandals. Jeez, Yuusuke would never wear those shits.

Ladies love Yuusuke. Yuusuke loves only himself.

What did that American Kid, Holden do that was wrong? He’s just here to protest like you.

He has delusions of adequacy! For starters, he’s a member of the North Tokyo Gaijins Facebook group. He doesn’t even live in Tokyo! That fat little prick lives in Saitama! I know this is true cause 95% of his selfies and neighborhood shots are all with Kawaguchi GPS coordinates. He should start his own damn English Facebook Saitama group.  He's always vlogging about how much weight he lost with some keto or intermittent fasting diet shit. He makes me ill. He's depriving a village somewhere of an idiot by staying in Japan. If I were his father I wouldn't allow him to breed.

Poor man's TKYO Sam, Holden, was just there to make new friends and have his voice heard.

Why so much concern about this Yuusuke character?

Yuusuke lives in and makes decisions while suspended in a zone constructed and controlled entirely by himself. He doesn’t acknowledge other humans as anything except features in his own landscape, who he values only according to their contribution to his own existence. His 200,000 Instagram followers? I only follow him out of morbid curiosity. He's unable to empathize and feels no moral responsibility to any woman.

Tokyo's usual protesters are grateful to have a prize like Yuusuke as a participant in some of their events.

Are you planning to take the vaccine when it’s widely available to the public? Any preference as to which one you’d choose?

The whole time Yuusuke couldn’t care less about the whole spectacle and is busy posing for photos for female bystanders. He’s a total narcissist and can't maintain an erection unless he looks at himself in the mirror during lovemaking. That’s the word among some Aoyama Gakuen tennis circle girls I eavesdropped on. Let me tell you, Prince, these gals may look good, but they must have reached rock bottom and started to dig if they're all banging that guy.

Yuusuke's followers from Aoyama Gakuen had a hard time getting his attention.

Why are you even here? You don’t seem informed at all on what this is about.

Thats the thing with these protests in Japan, Prince. They are just there to get laid- unless they’re really old. Probably the same as Americans.

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