Loud Park 2013- The Worst Metal Fiasco Ever!
King Diamond Royally Fucks Japan
Imagine a King Diamond thrusting his Viagra hard, uncut Danish schwantz deep in your bone dry ass again and again despite clenching and your best efforts to stop him. Imagine having never seen it coming. Imagine the pain, the effect it would have on your self esteem, how hard it would be to talk about it, how hard it would be to sit down. Imagine how hard it would be to use a toilet that didn't have a washlet feature ( like outside of Japan) after the rape.
Imagine being raped with 37,000 others while the men in suits laugh and mock you.
Imagine all that and then tell me if you still think that somehow that poor fucking survivors could have done something to avoid being raped.
Rape is not the end of the world. I agree that women and men who are raped can move on with their lives, but what you must realize is that it's not going to be easy and you'll need time to heal.
When foreign artists jabber on about how much they love Japan and
the Japanese fans, what they are really saying is they love the money
they make in Japan. Some lame foreign bands like Mr. Big even make a
living from Japan. Yet Japan gets fucked by the greedy music
promoters year after year. The first ever Ozzfest Japan last May was
overly stocked with weak local bands that saved scandalous Japanese
promoter Hayashi International
Promotion (H.I.P.) a fortune. Black Metal fans from all over Japan
had been waiting months to see their hero, King Diamond, for his
first ever Japanese appearance at an otherwise completely lame Loud
Park 2013.
He canceled one day before, leaving the cheated fans shocked,
angry and heartbroken. Flights, trains and hotels were booked months
in advance. Days off were scheduled and romantic rendezvous were
arranged. Infamous Japanese promoter, Creativeman, had a clause in
their ticket contract stating no refunds would be given if any
artists canceled- this is understandable for big festival shows like
Fuji Rock or SummerSonic- where many big artists appear
every year. This makes sense as no one artist is really responsible
for a bulk of the ticket sales. A little something for everyone can
draw a nice, diverse crowd. But, Loud Park 2013 literally had no other
acts that could even draw 500 to 1000 Japanese fans in a much smaller
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Fans react to the MC's announcement that King Diamond hopes they enjoy the guitar stylings of Yngwie J. Malmsteen, the new headliner. |
Japanese festival promoters also had a clause in their contract
with King Diamond not to pay him if he didn't play for any reason
whatsoever. By cunningly canceling the appearance they pocketed
hundreds of thousands of dollars. But we can't only blame the shifty
Japanese promoter, King Diamond is also a prick for promotion and a
lap dog without a conscience.
The true Black Metal fans who bought their tickets in advance were
now going to see a 60 year old Yngwie Malmsteen. The washed up,
overly technically skilled guitarist is not only mind numbingly
boring to listen to, he is also well known as being the third biggest
douchebags in metal (after Danzig and Lars). If there is a pecking
order of narcissistic musicians, it's there he reigns supreme. The
not happening since 1989, Neo-Classical Metal guitarist from Sweden
was added to the bill only for air guitar playing dorks, who swoon
over him the same way the gay community worships Lady Gaga. He has no
business headlining the biggest Heavy Metal festival in Asia. Many
fans who didn't use social media found out about the cancelation when
they arrived at the venue. The show must go on!
Voices from Loud Park 2013
Rensuke Isogai, (32 )Salaryman from Osaka
No King Diamond and the opening act was shitty Metal Clone X, they're famous cause Marty Friedman from the Young Frankenstein movie in it. Who cares? I don't know what to say. I feel like I've been raped. I
know how women feel now. Women at shows must not do anything to
inspire men's lust. They must dress conservatively. They must avoid
offensive language. They must avoid immoral places- like this or
places where alcohol is consumed. Then, if the woman does these
things anyway, the response is, 'Well, what did she expect?' Male
metal fans, apparently, can't control themselves, so the women must.
This Loud Park is the bullshit of the year. I'm calling it rape. And
so we pass this on to our perception of rape. If a woman isn't
conservative and modest, she is asking for it. She, on some level,
was looking to be raped or toying with the idea of being raped? Are
we to blame on some level?
You know Last In Line? That's Dio without Ronnie James Dio! Turns out he's dead. Died like three years ago. This whole day is bullshit, man. After today I can relate to women more. Creativeman is one
shady as fuck company. The King wrote on his website that they
canceled the show. He wanted to play and they wouldn't shell out a
million yen to get his equipment to Japan
from the port in China. They wanted him to play some stripped down
acoustic set or something. He said that he refuses to play a note
unless his full theatrical stage show is in place. We, the long
suffering metal fans of Japan lose. The Japanese are a resilient people and we think differently. We persevere,
manage stress and triumph in the face of challenges. Japanese are a must heal and come back stronger next year.
Yurie and Okinori "OK" Kaya (24 & 42) Newlyweds from Hakodate
Yngiwe being the default headliner? The first thing that
comes to mind is 'self indulgent', why would we Japanese black metal
fans ever want to listen to that musical masturbation? To me part of
music is the creation of something someone with no knowledge of
musical techniques should be able to enjoy. Thats not to say that one
doesn't need an acquired taste to enjoy many of the more
sophisticated genres.
Yes, he can sweep pick, play 16th notes at 240 bpm, string
skip and what not. Its fun for him to play fast for a while here and
there, but to us listeners it is pure shit. He should only use those
skills for music if they serve the artistic vision, not just showing
off. No one except for the thirty or so nerds here jamming out on air
guitar give flying fuck. Don't even get me started on Baby Metal! Oy vey! It's going to take a while for us to get over this. My new bride, Yurie has been studying Mercyful Fate and the King's CDs since August. We'll need to heal good long time.
We were basically raped. There is no excuse for that and it
is absolutely not our fault. We are not guilty, tainted, or bad. We
did not to anything that allowed Creativeman and King Diamond to
violate trust; If a woman had been too tipsy to fight it off and a
man had assaulted her, you wouldn't accuse her of asking for it for
being drunk or break up with her for being a whore, so society
shouldn't do the same to us.
Music Festival rape is a serious issue and we deserve to be loved
and healed. Don't perpetuate a stereotype just because you're afraid
of how others will respond. You don't need to tell your family, your
Twitter and Facebook friends, your coworkers, or anyone else - but we
do need to get it out of our systems and find a way to heal from it,
and we should not be expected to do that alone. We need to be safe,
and be good to ourselves. We deserved better. We need to heal.
Other artists like Marty Friedman, took time to slag off King Diamond and his impotence by showing pictures of his manhood and mocking his heart condition. |
Kuniaki Koiso, (39) Taxi Driver from Tokyo
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Kuni and his best friend, Kenji (34) both lost a weekends pay thanks to Creativeman and King Diamond. |
I'm pretty fucking angry right now, Prince. My friend has drunken himself into a stupor. We've been saving up our shifts from work to be able to get a
weekend off to go up here for the weekend for this. I had to swap
a bunch of shifts and kiss a lot of ass to get a Saturday and Sunday
off. Why? To see Yngwie fucking Malmsteen? Yngwie is a total asshole.
His ego is big enough so that it could almost collapse upon itself
forming a black hole. I remember reading an interview with him years
ago in Metal Hammer, and he slagged off every guitarist out there except Ritchie
Blackmore for some reason. We Japanese don't like talking trash. I live for metal. No metal no life! King Diamond is the
King of Black Metal, Yngwie is a masturbator.
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Even Kuniaki's cab is metalish. |
Last year's Loud Park was pretty mint, but fucking Yngwie J. Malmsteen headlining now? He is a pretentious, venomous bag of
shit that is so foul that you can literally see the sewer fumes
coming off of him. His hatred of guitarists that are more talented
than him is matched only by his resentment of most of his own fans-
particularly the Japanese. A backstage
pass to a concert of his is a tedious and soul-crushing episode, like
watching smoke from a book burning taint a cloudless sky.
Don't speak to the police. Speak to an attorney. If you can't get a free consultation with someone, it's worth it to buy an hour of time to get someone to give you professional advice about your legal risks and the potential outcomes in your jurisdiction of any of the situations people have mentioned. I drive a lot of lawyers home late at night and they taught me a thing or two about the legal system.
Don't speak to the police. Speak to an attorney. If you can't get a free consultation with someone, it's worth it to buy an hour of time to get someone to give you professional advice about your legal risks and the potential outcomes in your jurisdiction of any of the situations people have mentioned. I drive a lot of lawyers home late at night and they taught me a thing or two about the legal system.
( Edit: Do not rely on
your own analysis of your risks when it comes to something like
reporting the incident, and certainly don't rely on Raretreats. You'll
need to talk to someone who is licensed in your area and can tell you
exactly what's at stake legally.)
As for Yngwie, he's a balding, fat hack who learned how to
play all the notes, but simply could not learn to play the music. I would have walked out but I was meeting up with some people at the end so I had to wait around.”
Isamu Yokoyama, 35 Coffee shop manger from Nagasaki
The portly Iron Maiden fan is trying to make the best of a shitty situation.
The metal gods must have it in for me, man . Last year I flew to Brazil for Metal Open Air, and Venom , Saxon, Gene Simmons and like 30 other bands didn't show up. I did get to see Megadeth there, so that was pretty fucking cool. Don't even ask me how much I spent on heavy metal music. Based on
my ATM withdrawals history it was over $50, 000. Can we not add the overpriced t
shirts and other assorted accessories and
the cost of going to Loud Park every year since 2006? That's train
fare to Tokyo, hotels and unpaid leave from my jobs over the years too. My investments
were the only thing that kept my love for heavy metal fresh, but
ultimately left me with a bitter experience.
In general I have a
pretty negative view on King Diamond now. I personally found his cock pics they showed to be in bad taste, there were a lot of young girls here for Baby Metal, you know. And, as far as my fellow headbangers
are concerned, I would even go so far as to say a large percent of
non impotent headbangers would be natural rapists if our culture didn't tell
them that was a bad thing to do. Greedy, Japanese promoters and Danish Black Metal legends with bad hearts are selfish, ignorant,
and some just don't care about how their actions effect the fans.
If you attended Loud Park 2013 and just want to talk to somebody, my inbox is always open and I'm
happy to help you in any way I can. I'm not licensed for this stuff,
though, and I won't pretend to be. If you feel any kind of crisis
coming on or have suicidal thoughts, find a 24/7 suicide hotline and
write their number down and keep it with you always. There is indeed a victim-blaming attitude towards music festival rape. If a woman is raped, she
was "asking for it", and if a man was raped, he was "weak" or a "sissy"
or "enjoyed it". Promoting the ideal of "don't get raped" over "don't
rape people". When you hear in response to a rape, "They shouldn't have been
going to a metal show to begin with.", that is what Japanese "rape culture" is
referring to.
Fun fact: Kiss was playing in Chiba at the same time. And, they actually showed up.
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The Loud Park 2013 victims feel violated. |
It is now a time to heal. 2014's version of Loud Park cannot possibly be any worse. So let's use the year between shows as a time of healing. There's nowhere to go but up, let the metal fans shoot for the Moon. Even if they fall, it's amongst the stars.
The Japanese metal fans should have gone straight to the Saitama authorities after being cheated and reported it, before showering. Unfortunately at this point going to the police and trying to prosecute it might not be the best idea, but it's worth a shot - I'd call the non-emergency number and talk to them about it. It's sad how much of a non-issue Japanese society assumes ripping off metal fans to be, but it IS their job to listen to you and inform you of the right processes you should take in this situation.
The Japanese metal fans should have gone straight to the Saitama authorities after being cheated and reported it, before showering. Unfortunately at this point going to the police and trying to prosecute it might not be the best idea, but it's worth a shot - I'd call the non-emergency number and talk to them about it. It's sad how much of a non-issue Japanese society assumes ripping off metal fans to be, but it IS their job to listen to you and inform you of the right processes you should take in this situation.
Fun fact: Kiss was playing in Chiba at the same time. And, they actually showed up.
Fuck Creativeman, King Diamond and mostly the whiny Japanese metal fans who think King Diamond canceling after they bought their non-refundable 15,000 yen ticket is equivalent to being raped- and need to heal. I'm gonna go to town on my fried shrimps and oyster dinner.