The Misguided Japanese Nuclear Protest

Everyone was sweating bullets on Monday, July 16th, as 170,000 + sweaty protesters partied hard throughout Tokyo’s Yoyogi Park. They were there to demand their government reduce or eliminate Japan’s nuclear power and try and get laid. The higher ups closed bathrooms and jammed cell phone signals to keep the protesters from gathering and to make everything as annoying as possible for all attendees.

Someone got the heads up that there was going to be a huge turnout and only about a dozen food stalls were given permits to operate for the event, 10 times that number were needed. Regardless, many scantily clad young people used the opportunity to their best advantage to meet a special someone for a summer romance.

This group of beautiful party people from Shinjuku 2 Cho Mae took advantage of the captive audience to push for their gay marriage campaign.

Yuichiro K. 31, Data Analyst From Nishi Tokyo

What are you here for today?
I met a really cute chick but she lives down in Aichi and was just up here for the day. I was kind of pissed cause she was really sexy and we fooled around a little in the port a-potty. She was well up for it but some jerkoff guy and his kid were banging on the door so she wanted to leave. I sucked on her perfect little tits and rubbed her snatch through her satin shorts. She was so wet! You would think she pissed her pants.... Dripping down her thighs, I'm fucking smooth.

So you came looking for sex?

Well, when the  jobs, families and politics become unstable and traditional parties are unable to gain votes, a common phenomenon found in first world countries is for the for populists to gain support. At the same time, another common trend I am seeing is for new forces to garner support, such as the Greens in Germany. I'm still getting over my friends from school that couldn't believe it I took that little bitch into the toilet. I would definitely put her in my rotation if she lived nearby,I would have given her my load in heaping spoonfuls, you know what I mean?  But I don't need a long distance sex friend. That's for losers with low self esteem.”

Foreign protesters were quickly rounded up and taken away.

Jonah F 38, Preacher/ Teacher/ Musician from Osaka via New Mexico

How are you today sir? What's the hot poop?

This is some grade A premium bullshit that TEPCO is feeding the Japanese. They've already gotten 500 times the dose of radiation that Hiroshima and Nagasaki got when they were bombed. It's so corrupt man, they don't wanna cause a panic and have the real estate prices fall out. That would kill Japan quick, this radiation cover up is a slow death. You'll see man, there's gonna be mutations and a lot of weird cancers showing up in the next few years.

 It's a death sentence you've all gotten! Your too stupid and gullible man, you'll see. If anything good comes out of this at all,  God may shrivel up the gay population's nuts and keep them from breeding. Tokyo has so many gays compared to Osaka, it must be God's plan. Mark my words, Jesus will judge you all and TEPCO. May you all burn in hell where you belong.

This attention seeking protester gets little feedback from his annoying chanting

Masaki A. 27, Salaryman from Chiba

Why are you here today, sir?

We the people of Japan will not accept a return to nuclear power until the Fukushima case has been completely closed! And, have you seen the pussy around here? Oh lord! This is the best party I've been to in years yo! Arty Japanese chicks love guys who care about social causes, and this is one that won't really alienate anyone. It's not exactly a bold stance to be against radiation so I don't risk losing my job or friends.”

The 33 degree temps and free flowing beer had most men under 30 going shirtless and the ladies sporting bikinis!

Most cowardly young Japanese men are able to openly protest and meet a possible sex friend here. While most Japanese have varying opinions on many topics, it is risky to voice them openly. The nail that sticks up will be hammered down. This is why Japan has been so apathetic on almost all social causes until this. The protesters are 99% wimps and cowards who are scared of authority, but 50% of them have hot nuts, ready to burst and need a little something to stick their dicks in.

 Yukari  H. 21 from Sophia University student from Hokkaido

Why are you here today, sweetheart?

It's so hot today and the radiations is still poisoning us in Tokyo , and they’ve already restarted some the reactors,why are they in such a rush? The reason is money. Ending Japan's nuclear dream would mean losing hundreds of billions of dollars in capital investment and withdrawing from an industry in which Japan is now a world leader. 

How do you feel about the comment from Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, who complained the protesters were making a loud racket?

The suspension the reactors since the disaster has increased our bill for oil imports by $100m a day. These guys here are so drunk and stupid. I wanna talk about this but they are all saying some crap like ' oh you are so cute' and ' why are you so concerned about this issue, just relax and have fun and a drink with us', really sad. Many of these guys don't even go to school or are freeters maybe. I wanna meet a guy who cares about this issue and doesn't just want to eat my asshole out and jerk off onto my pretty face”

The 170,000+ protesters where hungry as fuck! This foreigner manning the grill couldn't begin to put a dent in their hunger pains.

There were a lot of food stalls, ironically all run by organized crime, who many say are the reason TEPCO is so corrupt to begin with.

Between speakers,  some local university students on the dance team got the young men in the crowd worked up but good! No rapes were reported despite the drunkenness, high humidity and taunting of many young female attendees sporting swimwear.

Yuuki H. 34, Supermarket Assistant manager from Kawasaki

What do you think about all of these outspoken citizens?

There's a really good Brazilian meat gut over there grilling shit up and a Thai place that has this  tasty coconut shrimps thing. Tons and tons of booze for sale..  During the 70s and 80s, Japan was unique because  the economy was strong, our jobs stable, and social movements stagnant, the political world could afford to be a third-rate one in which the only concern was factional struggle.

That was a time when Japan was considered a  very strange place- and it was. Now, all those factors no longer exist. Unemployment and open homosexuality has increased, economic disparity has widened and social movements have emerged.

Always the bridesmaid.... A foreign lesbian looks on in disgust as her gal pal hooks up with a smooth playboy from Israel with one thing on his mind.

I believe Japan will move toward becoming a more ordinary nation.
But will it be able to continue with a third-rate political sector? Anyway, enough of my rambling, It's a real party and meet market here! I'm loving it Now if some chicks will get up on the stage and flash their tits everyone will go home a winner”

The tip of this wiener caught in the grill is symbolic of the protesters effectiveness in changing Japan's nuclear policy.

Several famous old musicians (who no longer have recording contracts and not at risk of being dropped by their powerful Japanese management) played for the huge crowd.

Ayaka K, 18 high school student from Kamakura.
I could not hear shit, and I was pretty close to the fuckin' stage. I think the police kept the sound down to break it up sooner. They were worried about trouble... There were some shit stirrers but the crowd was too meek and basically a bunch of people there just for a look. And somehow ALL of the public bathrooms are out of order. This is very strange as NONE of the local shops will let anyone in to use the toilets either, unless your a customer. So, we have guys pissing all over the park, girls too but they're at least trying to be discreet about it and going behind buildings. The guys are so gross with their little dicks out having a laugh. It's just nasty, the puddles of piss everywhere."

Today’s protest comes shortly after the first restarted nuclear reactor at the Oi, Fukui Prefecture plant Many anti-nuclear protests have been occurring around Japan since the end of March, this one is the largest in the protesting series, and one one of the largest demonstrations ever in Japan!

Naoyuki T. 41, Police Officer from Kyoto

What do you think of this new trend of protesting in Japan?
Some of these sluts should have just stayed home. They were ugly. One girl tried to introduce me to her fat friend. She says ' oh my friend has a nice face' I said 'what, for punching ?' Get the fuck outta here, whore. Some of these chicks don't know when to shut their fucking mouths. They're bossy and try to push you around. Let the foreign guys have them, they like that bullshit-ugly entitled cunts with attitudes, all high and mighty. Fuck that shit! ”

While looking around the crowd for attractive people, the demonstrators shouted in chorus to stop the return to nuclear power, and for Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda to quit his position. Maybe eye contact could be made, a smile exchanged. with someone and small talk could be made. There were many highly-skilled pick up artists in the crowd who took advantage of the many targets.....

The planned lack of toilet facilities had overheated and drunken protesters pissing all over the park, in full view of women and children!

Daiki S. 29,  of Saitama is a skilled PUA and a cook in a popular izakaya.

He works out.

It was just too much of a good thing. I couldn't focus, my eyes were going crazy. Those Chinese, who we need to get out of the country- but I digress, say, ' The man who chases after two rabbits catches none' or some shit like that. It's so true today. So, so , so very true.

Oy vey, the proletariat, partying protesters left a shitload of garbage for the local shitworkers to deal with.....

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