Americans Giving Other Americans A Bad Name In Japan
My new best Japanese friend has a lot to say about this subject,
49 year old driving instructor, Hidehiko Watanabe of Ueno is very disappointed with Americans these days.

"I still wear the red, white and blue most days but I am disappointed by the losers that represent the Americans in Tokyo nowadays"
“I loved American culture since I was a kid. Growing up in 1960's and 70's Tokyo was tough. We didn't have the luxuries you see today and take for granted. You all now have wash-let toilets and hot baths, broadband internet...cable TV. In my day, we had an old fashioned toilet that led into a deep hole in the ground. In fact Tokyo didn't even get a widespread sewer system until the early 1980's. Parts of Tokyo and Saitama still have the old style toilet. My family had to take baths together at the local bathhouse. It was rough but it was normal in those days.”

An American and his ass during begging for attention and charging Japanese to take photos and rides. "This type of foreigner should be deported"
"I did a home-stay in L.A. in 1979. The host father was very upset when I showed up. He was expecting a woman. My name is that of a man but he thought that any name ending in 'Ko' had to be a sexy, young woman. He had a hardcore Asian fetish. I found his vast pornography collection in the garage when I was looking for bicycle pump once. His dick butter was all over it.
It was when I realized that Western men who offered home-stays to Asian students were by in large Asiaphiles and perverts looking for sex. He was always sweaty and he always wore sweatpants, he referred to his black ones as his formal sweatpants. He had a big, thick American cock too. I used to see him nude sunbathing in the backyard."

It was when I realized that Western men who offered home-stays to Asian students were by in large Asiaphiles and perverts looking for sex. He was always sweaty and he always wore sweatpants, he referred to his black ones as his formal sweatpants. He had a big, thick American cock too. I used to see him nude sunbathing in the backyard."
A couple of Japanese B-Boy Yanquis openly eye up a blonde,white prize. They are too cowardly to talk to her in case she turns out to be a 17 year old Estonian model and not an American.
"But shit, I did really love the American way of life. It was wonderful. Big lawns, shopping malls and big roads. Supermarkets with American frozen foods, no mosaic on pornography, English TV shows and large breasts were common. I was very jealous and wanted to stay there forever."

"But shit, I did really love the American way of life. It was wonderful. Big lawns, shopping malls and big roads. Supermarkets with American frozen foods, no mosaic on pornography, English TV shows and large breasts were common. I was very jealous and wanted to stay there forever."
Black Americans are still seen as cool and Obamaish characters are used to advertise hairstylists for Japanese only customers.
"A month later, another home-stay student, a 17 years old girl from Indonesia came to live in the other spare room and she was having sexual relations with the host father, Gerald, within days. I was sickened and never spoke to her after I found out. I think Ruth, the obese host mother, knew and was a bit of an enabler. Girls, if you really want your first time to be special, then lose your virginity to your ugly 52 year - old host father! I left about month later after growing tired of hearing Gerald constantly complain how the placement agency fucked him over and sent him a 'Chinaman' instead of a cute gal. They had 3 or 4 other female students before I arrived and the sight, sound or smell of my manhood pissed him off."

The stylish Americans on the pink team who can't be bothered to learn the local lingo and just want cool fashion and easy sex with hairless young men are OK with Hidehiko.
The stylish Americans on the pink team who can't be bothered to learn the local lingo and just want cool fashion and easy sex with hairless young men are OK with Hidehiko.
"Now, I see young foreigners over here enjoying the good life that I only saw on TV when I was their age. There are weird ones. There are the Americans who are fully bi- lingual. This freaks most Japanese folks out. We are not into it at all and think they must have some sort of serious mental illness- like Marty Friedman for example. Some of these guys walk around in yukatas, Kamikaze headbands, read manga and play with swords. Sometimes these morons even get tattoos of obscure kanji, geisha or even Mt. Fuji! These are very odd people and not representative of the normal Americans I've met in the USA. It's as if Japan sent all of their misfits, perverts and losers to live in the US and say, ' Hey, we are the usual regular Japanese'."

Kindly Japanese college students attend to a drunken American passed out in the middle of the sidewalk further damages their image. " He should be deported after he sobers up"
"What pisses me off is these fruitcakes and homosexuals and wannabe playboys that come over here with such a sense of entitlement. I would never leave home in the US for Japan. I can't understand the appeal. I think that if they can't get sex in the US then they can't get it here but I am wrong. It is getting tougher for them now though. In the 80's it was common to see a 2 with a 9. That's been changing for a while now.
"After the war, American soldiers came to live in Japan. When the country had already suffered years of deprivation. The slick young men were criticized for being over-paid, over-sexed and over here, by the local young men, who felt they came a sorry second best to well-fed men with money in their pockets and gifts of luxury items that hadn't been seen in the Tokyo for years. Now, they bring over this bad stuff. Drugs, weird, anti-social fashion and music. That type of stuff that comes with the Americans I can do without."

Fully bilingual American oddballs can corrupt the young with negative foreign influences.

A poor man's Robert Smith, this American even eats bento at this Gothic picnic. His fluency in Japanese helps him poison these impressionable Japanese teenager's minds with shit.
"Having been brought up in Tokyo which is as proudly patriotic as America is, it makes me feel sad to read articles on Helium where American writers say 'don't they know we won the war against them? they should be grateful they are still on the map'. Have these people got no sensitivity? Would they go into Germany saying these same things?”

A poor man's Robert Smith, this American even eats bento at this Gothic picnic. His fluency in Japanese helps him poison these impressionable Japanese teenager's minds with shit.
"Having been brought up in Tokyo which is as proudly patriotic as America is, it makes me feel sad to read articles on Helium where American writers say 'don't they know we won the war against them? they should be grateful they are still on the map'. Have these people got no sensitivity? Would they go into Germany saying these same things?”
Bearded,Christian troublemakers disrupt the harmony for the locals just trying to enjoy a day off. "This type of American should also be deported"
"Their true colors showed after the earthquake in March. Thousands of Foreigners fled their jobs and responsibilities to return to their homes. Actually, it was mostly the cowardly French. But many Chinese and Brits also overreacted. They should be ashamed of their cowardice. Americans actually helped out a great deal with relief efforts. The ones who left should stay away for good. We need more foreigners like this like we need more male facial expression shots in bukkake videos. And, motherfuck the French!"

I agree with Hidehiko. Most Americans in living in Japan are complete dicks. I am gonna treat myself to some homemade okonomiyaki in protest of their presence here.