Tokyo's Dysfunctional Metal Scene Is Dying
Fuck yeah!
Japan's Rock scene is dying and has been since the late 1990's. It's a slow death and will take a bit more time, perhaps 20 more years until it is totally gone. Minor upswings happen in Tokyo from time to time.... Anvil's movie sold out about 10 shows in Roppongi Hills, Loud Park and the unexplainable popularity of Ramones merchandise. Like AZT keeping our HIV+ friends around longer then they could survive otherwise. Most of the graying, balding artists are well into their 40's and 50's now. 99% of them have day jobs and have long ago given up their dreams of rock superstardom.
Metal in Japan is not seen as cool. It's an outsiders shameful secret. Most metal fans are in the closet and admitting you are a fan in public will cause you shame and keep you from breeding.
Despite her good looks and sexy get-up, Sweet Rie can't find a man to even talk to her at a recent metal show in Japan
It's hard to make an even marginal living as a musician in Japan's maladaptive rock scene. It's estimated that there are only about 10 guys in the Heavy Metal/ Hard Rock movement who are making a living with their music. Many are working office jobs. They're easy to spot, they have short hair. The guys with long hair may be working in the music business, but as bitter, snobby salesmen in a guitar store full of pretentious dicks talking about new riffs and effects boxes.
If you have a girlfriend or wife who likes the music, send her to a show on her own. Don't worry. No one will speak to her and any guy there will probably run away if she looks at him. If your girlfriend likes Reggae, I feel sorry for you. I won't even tell you what most likely happened when she went to that reggae festival in Jamaica with her friends to "relax".
This apathetic heavy metal rock, freak fan won't even look at the metal goddess begging for his admirations.
In Japan, long hair on men is a sign of nerdom. Long flowing, male modelish locks of hair only look good on men working in the water business who spend more time in front of the mirror than Elizabeth Taylor. The guys in Tokyo who go to the metal shows might as well keep their limp cocks in pickle jars. Metal is seen as too safe by most music lovers in Japan. If you listen to it you'll never get laid and you'll never get AIDS, so it's safe. The male fans are useless and cowardly and don't support each other at all. The sexlessness , bullying and predatory behavior within the scene is destroying it slowly.

Sadly, most metal acts in are middle aged and don't even bother to write original songs anymore.
Japan's aging metalheads have a habit of hiding their passion behind a facade of indifference; in the buildup to the annual Loud Park Metal Festival, which marked 25 years of metal's half-assed attempt at a reign as a formidable music genre here. Cynical commentators speculated that the scene had lost touch with fans following the death of Ronnie James Dio last year, but then 43,000 people showed up over two, sold out days for the celebration. And whatever the polls say, Saitama Super Area officials anticipate that thousands will line to to buy the tickets to the 2011 edition.
Unlike the US and Europe, women can succeed in Japanese metal. They generally date regular, non -metalish men as their male peers are usually uninterested & unable to perform sexually.
Tokyo's low testosterone Heavy Metal and hard rock scenes live hand in hand, often being billed together, yet there is an obvious hostility between the two rival factions of music. This is dysfunctional - it disables the music fans from seeing themselves clearly. As long as the Japanese headbangers are still reacting to an history of wounds and old negative reviews and the nerdy image, then they cannot get in touch clearly with who they really are.
Bullying is a problem at all levels of Japanese society. The music scene is no exception.
For the first time ever, photographic evidence is shown of particularly mean spirited bullying happening at a metal show.

Bullying is a problem at all levels of Japanese society. The music scene is no exception.
For the first time ever, photographic evidence is shown of particularly mean spirited bullying happening at a metal show.
Just trying to enjoy the music, my new friend's anus is badly blistered and scorched.
42 year old postal worker, Takehiko Onera was injured last night
“ I come to shows about once a week in Tokyo. I live out in Ibaraki and don't really get along with the guys up there cause of my musical taste. I come down here and I still get shit and harassment from others creeps within the scene. I just don't get it. I'm seriously thinking of getting into something else, maybe even hip hop.”
“ I come to shows about once a week in Tokyo. I live out in Ibaraki and don't really get along with the guys up there cause of my musical taste. I come down here and I still get shit and harassment from others creeps within the scene. I just don't get it. I'm seriously thinking of getting into something else, maybe even hip hop.”
The hard- rocker culprit and his equally as evil, long haired lookout give 2nd degree burn to the obviously inebriated Metalhead Takehiko.
The portly,diabetic, short- haired metal manic had been looking forward to this show for 2 weeks. He now thinks that he should have stayed home. Home is his 68 year old mother's house. " I don't have a wife or girlfriend yet, Metal is my mistress."

In severe pain, Takehiko must leave the show and hustle over to the emergency room. At least he has health insurance.
In severe pain, Takehiko must leave the show and hustle over to the emergency room. At least he has health insurance.
“I had a few whiskeys and when that Mötley Crüe cover band came on one of the metal sluts was pouring Jack Daniels into our gaping mouths.... I had a big burning mouthful and just got very drunk really instantly.... I was lucky to be able stand, I was dizzy and lost in the music. I don't handle alcohol very well. Then I felt a burning feeling and realized one of these jerks from Saitama was behind me with a lighter. I've got second degree burns on my forearm and taint.
My anus is seared and badly blistered. He actually burnt a hole through my Dockers. I've got a lot of ointment on it now but my arm is in really bad shape. The doctor said it would take at least a minute of an open flame to do this to me. The other fans just watched and laughed. I think some even took pictures”

My anus is seared and badly blistered. He actually burnt a hole through my Dockers. I've got a lot of ointment on it now but my arm is in really bad shape. The doctor said it would take at least a minute of an open flame to do this to me. The other fans just watched and laughed. I think some even took pictures”
The good news is that since most Japanese metal fans are terrified of women, you might actually be able to get laid by a hot, young rock chick.
Even fucking Baghdad has a more supportive metal scene than Japan. A typical show in Tokyo will cost you about $30 regardless of the level of bands performing. In addition, Tokyo is well known as a hotbed of jealousy among bands. Sabotage of other bands equipment and reputations is usual behavior here.
Keep on rockin' ladies. Then head over to a Ramen shop to find a real man. There ain't none to be had here!
Free downloads of music in Japan are rarely done by those over 22 years old. Chinese and westerners in Japan are responsible for most of that in Japan. This means most music fans here still buy CD's, and they are the most expensive in the world. Delusional, unknown Japanese musicians with very questionable talent, charge high prices for their CD's sold at the shows.
These CD's of unknown or up and coming bands are often about $5 in most of the world's scenes, a means of sharing your music with those who came to see you and creating a fan base. Japanese musicians with ridiculously inflated egos charge about 3-4 times that. This causes their music NOT to be heard.
Ironically, the lack of illegal downloads is keeping the dorky to begin with, metal scene from expanding.
These CD's of unknown or up and coming bands are often about $5 in most of the world's scenes, a means of sharing your music with those who came to see you and creating a fan base. Japanese musicians with ridiculously inflated egos charge about 3-4 times that. This causes their music NOT to be heard.
Ironically, the lack of illegal downloads is keeping the dorky to begin with, metal scene from expanding.
Healthy metal scenes around the world have common characteristics. These characteristics describe the atmosphere as well as what goes on in a vigorous, profitable scene. In one sense, these things describe in broadest possible terms how metal fans feel and how they treat each other. The characteristics present in happy and healthy live venues are positive identities, DIY production distribution, oral sex to popular bands and their roadies in the bathroom, deep friendliness, and contentment skills.
Fuck these limp dicked losers! If they ate what I did they might be able to get a hard-on once in a while.