Hottest Summer Ever = The Locals Hornier Than Ever ( Part 2)
Sexually frustrated young people from all over Kanto let themselves go in July and August on Shonan's Beaches
It's not all bad news for the young people who frequent the filthy beaches of Japan. It's the 3 months out of the year where they can explore their sexuality. A place where they can look at speak to members of the opposite sex without so much anxiety as they feel in their daily lives at the shit job or crummy college. Everyone is equal here, no judgments based on where they met you or what your wearing, they're almost naked anyway.
It's not all bad news for the young people who frequent the filthy beaches of Japan. It's the 3 months out of the year where they can explore their sexuality. A place where they can look at speak to members of the opposite sex without so much anxiety as they feel in their daily lives at the shit job or crummy college. Everyone is equal here, no judgments based on where they met you or what your wearing, they're almost naked anyway.
Chidori ashi! This normally shy and reserved Keio University sophomore can barely walk after the best orgasm of her life. Given to her digitaly under a blanket by a highly skilled, smooth talking complete stranger!
The rest of the year most of these horny beach goers will be on journeys of self discovery in their bedrooms.
Oral sex is not gay. Anal is. The question is usually, what's gayer, the guy giving or the guy receiving?
Local fisherman and resident Kisaburo Akiyama, is outraged at how much the beach has changed.
" These kids are not only hornier than I've ever seen, they are gayer than ever. I see groups of guys ripping the trunks off each other and chasing one another up and down the beach- totally nude, no respect for anyone else .... This used to be a beach for families. Now the families have to go to all the way Hayama or Muira Kaigan to get away from this perversion. It's really sad to see what's become of my hometown. There was always the nampa scene here to some extent, and there still is only 1000 times more obvious. A lot of it is gay too. A lot of it.... It's sick. I think 50% of the guys here are looking for other guys to go off with."

" This is the most perverted summer I've seen here ever, and I've lived here for 67 years"
Local fisherman and resident Kisaburo Akiyama, is outraged at how much the beach has changed.
" These kids are not only hornier than I've ever seen, they are gayer than ever. I see groups of guys ripping the trunks off each other and chasing one another up and down the beach- totally nude, no respect for anyone else .... This used to be a beach for families. Now the families have to go to all the way Hayama or Muira Kaigan to get away from this perversion. It's really sad to see what's become of my hometown. There was always the nampa scene here to some extent, and there still is only 1000 times more obvious. A lot of it is gay too. A lot of it.... It's sick. I think 50% of the guys here are looking for other guys to go off with."
" This is the most perverted summer I've seen here ever, and I've lived here for 67 years"
Most people say the guy receiving the penis is the gay one, as he's in a passive, feminine role. But maybe he's getting raped or unable to refuse due to peer pressure or drunkenness. The guy doing the fucking is the gayer one. He has to be turned on. He needs a hard on, if he's not aroused by the other man, he'll be rubbing a limp nub over the other guys greased up, Asian bunghole.
Handsome young fireman, Joji M. of Saitama had an interesting experience,
"Last week this really good looking black foreigner was hanging out with us and it was fun. It was the last official beach weekend so we were all relaxed , a little drunk and looking for some end of the summer fun. He was really muscular and asked me if I wanted to smoke some pot with him under one of the shops. After a few tokes, I got really dizzy and then I felt something knock against my jaw... I fell down , bent over some garbage bags and he ripped off my Ed Hardy swim trunks..."
Joji swallows hard and puts his face into his small hands.
"At the same time I felt a ripping pain in my asshole, as if a hot lead pipe was being shoved up deep inside me. I yelled out to stop and that it really hurt but it was in Japanese and he couldn't understand.... He just started doing it harder and deeper. The flesh on my upper body rippled from his pounding. I was praying for it to end and my eyes filled with tears. The vigorous pounding against my virgin,hairless buttocks eventually slowed down to a regular jog, but the pain didn't lessen. Inexplicably, I did seem to accommodate myself to it."

Such a relief, the burden of his anal virginity is finally gone....
"After he finally ejaculated he continued fucking me for another 2 minutes before finally letting out a loud groan and collapsing on top of me. I was amazed at how long he had been able to do it and how large he was, truly one in a million. My butt was really sore from his violent pistoning and it throbbed painfully with every heartbeat. My whole lower back was numb. Then he pinched my nose shut and shoved his huge, bloody,sandy penis into my gaping mouth and forced me to clean him off. He left and joined his Japanese girlfriend at the disco upstairs and I just laid there for about 10 minutes confused. It was hard to walk, but I was happy, I could feel his semen and some blood leaking out of me for the rest of the day, that was kind of nice".
Now crying like a baby, Joji continues,
"I saw him about 2 nights ago at Muse in Azabu and asked him if I could have his Email so that we could meet again sometime, off the beach, just us. He just gave me a strange look and shook his head. He told me ' I ain't gay man, and If I were interested in going off with another guy it ain't gonna be you, fagot', He went to join the sexy girls he was with and I felt the brunt of his rejection. Alone in the corner, I knelt down on the floor and covered my humiliated face. His rejection of me was even worse by him implying that I was a homo. I'm a fucking fireman".

Handsome young fireman, Joji M. of Saitama had an interesting experience,
"Last week this really good looking black foreigner was hanging out with us and it was fun. It was the last official beach weekend so we were all relaxed , a little drunk and looking for some end of the summer fun. He was really muscular and asked me if I wanted to smoke some pot with him under one of the shops. After a few tokes, I got really dizzy and then I felt something knock against my jaw... I fell down , bent over some garbage bags and he ripped off my Ed Hardy swim trunks..."
Joji swallows hard and puts his face into his small hands.
"At the same time I felt a ripping pain in my asshole, as if a hot lead pipe was being shoved up deep inside me. I yelled out to stop and that it really hurt but it was in Japanese and he couldn't understand.... He just started doing it harder and deeper. The flesh on my upper body rippled from his pounding. I was praying for it to end and my eyes filled with tears. The vigorous pounding against my virgin,hairless buttocks eventually slowed down to a regular jog, but the pain didn't lessen. Inexplicably, I did seem to accommodate myself to it."
Such a relief, the burden of his anal virginity is finally gone....
"After he finally ejaculated he continued fucking me for another 2 minutes before finally letting out a loud groan and collapsing on top of me. I was amazed at how long he had been able to do it and how large he was, truly one in a million. My butt was really sore from his violent pistoning and it throbbed painfully with every heartbeat. My whole lower back was numb. Then he pinched my nose shut and shoved his huge, bloody,sandy penis into my gaping mouth and forced me to clean him off. He left and joined his Japanese girlfriend at the disco upstairs and I just laid there for about 10 minutes confused. It was hard to walk, but I was happy, I could feel his semen and some blood leaking out of me for the rest of the day, that was kind of nice".
Now crying like a baby, Joji continues,
"I saw him about 2 nights ago at Muse in Azabu and asked him if I could have his Email so that we could meet again sometime, off the beach, just us. He just gave me a strange look and shook his head. He told me ' I ain't gay man, and If I were interested in going off with another guy it ain't gonna be you, fagot', He went to join the sexy girls he was with and I felt the brunt of his rejection. Alone in the corner, I knelt down on the floor and covered my humiliated face. His rejection of me was even worse by him implying that I was a homo. I'm a fucking fireman".
Homosexual bestiality is a gateway for actual gay sex

These horrid toilets are often the only place to get any privacy around here.
These horrid toilets are often the only place to get any privacy around here.
Many of Japan's young men experiment with gay sex on the beach with men they've just met. Oral is usually the way to go and goes on often in the porta potties all over the beaches here. While best for a quick blowjob, I've personally seen 4 handsome young men go inside one together and stay in there for over 10 minutes. If you get creative you can make use of such a confined, foul smelling place.

With some basic Japanese ability, foreign men can clean up due to so many local boys experimenting with each other.
Homosexual acts on the beach are not only tolerated, they are encouraged.... On Japan's beaches it's seen as a much purer form of love. As long as it does not interfere with social norms like marriage, most Japanese parents see nothing wrong with their sons sucking off other men (as long as he's not Chinese). What's the upside to all this homosexuality?
Japan is having trouble with zero population growth and gayness may be a factor. I like the beach less crowded and most fans of the beach do too. A gay society on the beach means more space for you and me in the future.

Japan is having trouble with zero population growth and gayness may be a factor. I like the beach less crowded and most fans of the beach do too. A gay society on the beach means more space for you and me in the future.
Mesmerized, yet paralyzed with fear, the young man in the tube will probably end up with another dude in the porta potty soon in order to get rid of that Tapioca -like poison.
Like America and Europe in the 1970's, bisexuality is seen as hip and a phase most normal men should experiment with in order to be a productive member of society. It's a hell of a lot easier to talk a guy into letting you blow him than it is to wine and dine some dumb, young tramp. She most likely works in a hostess bar anyway and sees men as nothing but walking ATMs with hard-ons, no real sexual attraction to men anyway. She's probably in love with some other hot, dumb broad she works there with.
Fuck all these little sluts with their sexy bathing suits on and these fruitcakes blowing each other in the John, I'm gonna treat myself to some shrimps then go home and be with my Fleshlight.