Hottest Summer Ever =The Locals Hornier Than Ever ( Part 1)
2010 was the was the hottest recorded summer ever in Japan. The locals were much randier than usual and cases of STDs soared through out the Kanto region. Pusy white discharge? High fevers ? Many Japanese are unaware that the diseases can be spread in the water. Salt water is not a preventative measure and in some cases can even weaken the immune system, making it easier for the virus to enter the body. More alcohol than ever was sold at the beaches this year and sexual activity on the beach is at an all time high.
Whilst they look so sweet and tasty, you'd better be cautious.....
Kanagawa's Parks and Beaches Director of Medical and Safety Services had some interesting insights as to why:
This man is worried about your safety, show him some goddamn respect if you see him
" Well in the heat of summer coupled with alcohol abuse leads to a lot of promiscuity. The kids get in that water and one thing leads to another and before you know it, you got a horny young guy pushing the bikini of a young lady nearby out of the way. The water is a bit cloudy so it’s very hard to see what's going. Of course in this situation, the use of condoms is not practical. Many Japanese people falsely believe that the sea water will kill any virus and sperm as well, it's believed to be a natural douche, so to say.”
The buff, 43 year old Minoru Miyamoto has been working on the beaches for the past 8 years and spends a lot of time educating the lifeguards and beach-goers about the dangers of sex on the beach.
In his street clothes for the element of surprise, Minoru makes his way to Station 21 at Enoshima Nishiama beach for a quick, unannounced visit.
" We also have a lot of these seasonal beach bars that are elevated and have a bottom area that a lot of sex and rapes happen at. Many of these rapes are unreported so it's hard to say exactly. I spend a lot of time in the gym, I'm sure that's obvious from looking at me, mostly squats... Japanese men generally don't have an ass like mine. You could crack an egg on my ass and eat it. It's tight as a drum.
Most of the precautions this summer were about the dangerous currents and jellyfish- not unprotected sexual activity with complete strangers in the sea. We also had that typhoon that hit and made the swells quite big, we had to keep all the folks out of the sea that day.... That was hard. I wanted to go over to Gold's Gym more this summer but I was needed down here.”
Alcohol + The sea air + record high temps and humidity + very revealing swimwear being in fashion + creeps on the prowl for women with loose morals = a huge surge in STD's throughout the Kanto region
As a supervisor, Minoru doesn't have to wear a uniform. He wears what he likes as he has to show up for random surprise inspections at the 48 lifeguard stations throught Kanagawa Prefecture.

This Kanagawa women sees what she wants and is locked on target. Just minding his own business, this naive tourist may bring back a nasty souvenir he didn't plan on.
The local women are friskier than ever and the local men are responding as expected
Japan's foreign men are at an even greater risk. The girls are reportedly doing NAMPA to them this summer in much greater numbers than ever. The men are paying for it with the feeling of pissing razor blades about 7-9 days after their unsafe encounters. " I see a lot of sexy girls going after the black men and a few white guys too, if they're really hot...... like you for example.... You guys have to be careful though. I'm telling you ,you'll regret it. The few minutes of fun might wreck your marriage and long term relationships. I'd run if one of them talked to me in an overtly sexual way."
A follically challenged ,foreign pick up artist, awkwardly works his Namapa charms on a resistant, tattooed local. The tattooed girls are much likelier to be carriers of Chlamyidia or Syphilis.
"Foreign men tend to date in much smaller circles and in greater numbers than the Japanese. The risk of STD's from them is far greater and more likely to affect the general population in the long run. Foreigners are more likely to sleep with over the hill housewives and single mother's that Japanese men won't touch, who spread it to their kids via the toilet seat or breast feeding. Then the whole school gets infected. I know half the schools in Tokyo's high schools got crabs over the summer break and I know at least 80% of those kids are virgins. It's really frightening to me. I keep my self completely shaved for that reason."
This slightly injured,foreign man could give two shits about the mating dance behind him. He is aware of the dangers at the beach. He is a man of decency and high morals.
Watch out for sexy girls!
And sexy men....
Minoru has a warning for the seniors as well, "Some people even think that only the young get STDs, It's not true. I know a 64 year guy who came to a lifeguard station to fill out a report of getting something from a random older woman who approached him in the sea. He was just floating around in his tube and she kind of latched on to him. Next thing he knows, she's grinding into him under the water and put him inside her. About 5 days later he's squeezing some yellow pus that's the consistancy of cottage cheese from his penis. It's really , really crazy this summer... I've never seen anything like it before. I've had to sign off on a lot incident reports like this all season. EVERYONE needs to be extra careful until this heat passes."
Age is no protection
The Kanagawa beaches are the busiest in all of Japan. They are also the most underfunded and need more people like Minoru on patrol , educating the locals in workshops and providing support to victims of this weather and it's consequences. Please write to your local politicians about what you can do to help and always practice safe sex, even when underwater with a stranger you just met when you bag is on the beach covered in dirty sand.
Minoru is a certified sexual educator and knows the dangers first hand.
Thank you for looking out for us, Mr. Miyamoto!!!