The Miester Of The Shonan Beach Scene
The Japanese are not a modest people when it comes to displaying their bodies. " If you've got it , flaunt it. And I,have it. Thanks to my strong DNA, I've been blessed with a naturally lithe body, strong muscle tone and a great natural color" Hiroyuki Kurasaka is correct. He has a great body, unblemished by cellulite, tattoos, body piercings and half shaven, pimply torsos that the foreign scum who come to the Shonan beaches are so fond of.
With a six pack of chu hi's, this American stud scoffs at the idea of what the Japanese females find attractive
“After our surrender to the Americans in 1945, it became important for us to become more proud of our smaller, thinner bodies. We came from a diet of rice and seafood, so we naturally didn't evolve to the large sizes of the North Americans and Northern Europeans who ate a very meat rich diet. I'm naturally hairless except for my pubic region. I love to show off the smoothness and flawlessness of my bronzed skin.” Hiroyuki can be seen every weekend of the summer on Shonan's dirty beaches. He's a long divorced junior high school math teacher with the summers off to work on his tan and relax.
Japanese women don't like to leave anything to their imaginations. They want to check out the merchandise before they make a purchase.
“I've always had an aversion to whites, especially the vile, dirty women. I've been with several Russian woman in my day for research and let me tell you, the smell of their fannies is something from my nightmares. It smelled like something actually crawled in there and died. Have you ever smelled a Japanese fanny? No smell. Nothing. We also don't get body odor. That's why the whites have to get their families to send over strong deodorants and perfumes from their home country.What's with all the Russians in Japan these days? They actually make me miss the Iranians!” 
Hiro may been onto something. He estimates he has bedded over 500 women he's met on the beach since 1982
“We Japanese are different than the foreigner who frequent our beaches, public pools, baths and onsen. The Japanese, even the most unprejudiced will never believe that all the people of the world have evolved from a single man. How can the foreigners persuade themselves that the Dutch and Negroes on board their ships could have descended from the same original parents, even many thousands of years ago? They're just gross. The Japanese are close to perfect in my opinion. I am sickened by overweight whites, blacks and Asians who foul our beach with their vile bodies.I saw a 6 or 7 year old white boy from Melbourne here the other day. He weighed more than I do"
His strong lungs are very impressive. The ladies behind him have already taken notice.
What does she see in HIM! Hiro's friends look on in disapproval. She's gonna have a skeleton on her closet for life because of this day! Big,dirty, loose shorts, cowboy hats - What You Shouldn't Wear On The Beach In Japan If You Wanna Get Laid 101
Zushi is a hotspot for non Japanese speaking, foreign douchebags, and the slags who enjoy their attentions.
Americans are clueless about what works on a Japanese beach. The creepy Europeans who frequent the public beaches in Kanagawa and Chiba are even hornier than the Americans. And , they know how to dress! The Speedo type swimwear never went out of fashion to them. Hiro is a bit more threatened by them.
" Japanese ladies don't like to be surprised when they have their suitor disrobe for the first time, they don't like to leave anything up to their imaginations. That's where the French and Italians scare me. Sure, the American military guys could kill me with their brute strength and propensity towards violence and rape. But the Eurotrash..... They are the real scum. All of them just want to foul our precious Japanese women. They are the real danger."
These 2 local gentlemen get some free advice about their fashion from a sexy beach babe with a heart shaped ass Nine out of ten Japanese woman want nothing to do with foreign men. " It's an urban myth that Japanese girls like them. None of the girls I know feel that way. The best gals are with guys like me who have similar racial characteristics. We can really be demoralized by this whole scenario. These low lives who are in the US Military are what makes me mad. They often cause a lot of trouble in Okinawa. Killing taxi drivers, raping the locals and just being rude. I wish they were not allowed off the base but there's nothing we can do about it now. Perhaps if there's another incident they will have a curfew or have to stay off the beaches on weekends."
Since the 1950's, Foreign men have been coming to the sea and looking for easy sex. While it is true that the local women are more open to conversation and scantily clad, the are still shy at heart. Feeding them drinks is a good strategy that works well for local men. Whites and blacks offering drinks seem suspicious and are not trusted by most nice girls. The ladies may even trade emails and phone numbers with the outsiders but will not reply 95% of the time.
Sexy Jr. College student , Ayu Hoshikawa complains, " This huge white guy over there is dressed like an over sized baby,his legs stuck straight out when he sat down, he must weigh over 150 kilos and he's all sweaty. He won't even take off his shirt and it's over 35 degrees. Can't speak a word of Japanese either. He's giving out drinks to everyone with a huge smile.... I just ran."
Q. Do Japanese ladies love the sight of drunken, sweaty white men? A. No, they don't.
Have a good laugh, you foreign piece of shit. Hiro will be in bed with a nice young piece of chicken tonight while you sit at home with a old broad he wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole!  |
Kanagawa girls give the US military menace the thumbs down... But,
sadly, their blond locks keep them below Hiro's high standards.
Hiro's tanned friend Hiroshi adds,
" I do like some foreign things. Its almost like people who are born in America think 'how can I fuck this country in the ass till it bleeds out it asshole'. The US is not all bad, Gossip Girl is OK, Michael Jackson is cool although I'm a bit burnt out of his stuff now. I love Mister Donuts, Starbucks, KFC.....I like to keep my hair as a light brown or blond , I know that's a bit Hollywood of me. I know that it's catering to the outsiders concept of beauty. The Japanese girls seem to really dig it so I have to compromise a bit. I still won't date a blond girl but I have slept with quite a few that I just couldn't resist. How 'bout them apples, Mr. Foreigner?"