The sex business is Japan is one of the world's biggest. It is available in almost every city on some level. The only thing that sucks about it is that you gotta be Japanese to participate. When Admiral Perry opened up Japan to the west, he and his crew were treated to the joys of the local women. Today's modern day white men coming to Japan have no such luck. They have to actually pick up and date real women to get their shriveled, pencil cocks wet.
"White guys are bad for business" Friendly, flat chested Filipina bar manager, Louisa told me that her Japanese customers won't come in anymore if they see foreigners in here, they think they're all diseased. " White guys are also too much trouble. In general, Japanese men are much easier to deal with. 4-4-4, four inches, four minutes, four thousand yen!"
"The hookers in Japan won't even accept me, overseas I can pull girls my granddaughter's age! Cheap as a few pints at Dubliner's too! " Small dicked, white men have been attracted to Asia for the past 200 years and 99.5% of the ones who came here of their own free will did so because of their Asian fetish. The other .5% are just fucking weirdos. Likewise, 99% of men going to The Philippines, Thailand or Vietnam without a woman are sex tourists too. Japanese men often tell their wives they have a company outing in Southeast Asia. They'll leave their golf clubs at the airport and head straight for the Go Go bars en masse!! The working girls who speak bargirl Japanese, while smaller in number, tend to be much more attractive and Japanese looking. 
"Jap birds are stuck up cunts once you get passed 45. Thai girls don't care as long as you got the dosh" “ Some of these cunts will lie to themselves about how they wanna learn Akido, swordsmanship or Kanji strokes or something, but when you get down to it, it's all about the pussy! How many white guys do you see over here who prefer a chunky white bird their own age? None! If they got a white GF or a wife it ain't gonna last! I can't take ANY woman seriously. In all my experience, all Japanese women are very possessive. They get it because Japanese men are extremely fucking possessive, so they pass it on to the next generation. Western women will call you out when they feel their possessions are at stake. Most Asian women won't but they will walk two steps behind and fuck shit up for you. You have any idea why the fuck all the girls in Thailand are wearing braces these days? I can't figure out why they find that attractive”
A well respected man at the university he works at. He is also well respected at the Dubliner's and at Go Go bars all over S.E. Asia! Roger McVicker came to Tokyo in 1995 as an English teacher and hasn't left. The 44 year old bachelor has a cush gig at a mid -level university and uses the time off to travel around Southeast Asia and China sampling the prostitutes. “ The thing that really sucks about Japan is that I, as a foreigner can't buy sex. If I want a Chinese bird or some third world, frying pan faced, slag bitch, then I can maybe work it out, but they charge an arm and a leg just cause they're in Japan. Fuck that! I wanna be with some of the local talent, I don't go into a Japanese restaurant and order Vietnamese food!? The Japanese men have a complex about all foreigners, they won't even let their whores be with us. If you're a Chinaman or even North Korean you stand a chance if you can speak passable Japanese and don't look fresh off the boat. A white guy could even be a Japanese citizen and totally fluent and never be allowed in! Don't even get me started on black guys,although they just gotta go out and ask any girl on the street anyway” The pot- bellied Scouser is usually seen at one of the Dubliner's or Hubs franchises in the company of a local Japanese woman well past her prime.
“ In Tokyo all I can get are these sloppy old birds no Japanese guy would want.The young girls don't dig geezers like me these days. The cute ones are all down at the HUB anyway, lately that place is full of creepy Turkish guys now who all claim to be diplomats or Italian. I can maybe get the older ones at Dubliner's now but I don't want'em either! I'll take me hand for now till I can get the hell back to Pattaya!”
Hot nuts, ready to burst. Looking just a bit awkward, this fidgety Aussie PUA ain't sure if this gal is a hoosher or a tourist.... Okinawa sure is confusing! And what of the foreign sex tourists living and working in Tokyo? They've paid for sex with how many young, sexy girls? How likely are they to settle down with a nice Japanese woman who won't give it up after marriage? In a way, sex tourists and South Asian bargirls deserve each other. But one thing is for sure – the relationship won’t last. And that is guaranteed. By in large, a huge majority of white sex tourists living in Tokyo are British and look awful naked.

The only thing better is having 4 fingers shoved up your ass Dapper and portly Brit, Cameron G. from Saitama has several regular girlfriends in Cambodia. He visits twice a year and sponsors 3 ladies so they don't have to work in the beer bars. "I always try to look my best ... make sure I'm clean, smell good & dress smart .... does it matter to the bar girls ?? the majority probably not ... but I have pride in my personal appearance & if you look good you feel good ... whether I am going with a hooker or a date in the local Irish pub I still have my pride !! I'd love to live in the Philippines or Vietnam, but their visa systems are fucked! Also, it's tough to make any kind of decent living there. If ya got money is a great place to live but you can't make any there!”
Aussie Don of Mitaka, for a man of his carriage, he smells surprisingly fresh! Most white men over 35 and single are living on Japan because they get treated as if they were handsome or had some type of status. Go back to England and people will see them for the pieces of shit that they are. They'll likely become taxi drivers and mass murderers if the poison is not released by a young willing mouth. Japan also provides easy access to Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines and recently South Korea. “ Discrimination it is! It's fucking pathetic that I gotta leave the country I live in to get some action with young gals. Japan is in a recession but they won't allow us in usually. There's a health club in Sugamo and a couple in Nishi Kawaguchi that let foreigners in during the day if it's slow but the girls are usually well into their 30's, I'd rather just jack off than let one of them suck me off for 3,000 yen! White guys literally can't get laid in a whorehouse in Japan. I'm seriously thinking about trying to get Debito Ardou on this case”