Real Men Of Japan Series- The Germanophiles of Tokyo
Kisaburo Takeda has an encyclopedic knowledge of English and German. He's also single, a World War 2 historian and a popular high school social studies teacher.
“I like to know the enemies mind. I like to know what the devil is thinking, so I studied English like a madman. I don't like it or care to converse with perverted English speakers but I do need to know it.”

A Japanese Nazi in Yoyogi Park
“ I have one of the biggest collections in Japan of German uniforms, flags and documents from 1908-1945, in fact I often loan my goods to independent and adult video shoots that have a Nazi theme”
Every weekend, in Yoyogi Park or Yaskuni Shrine, Kisaburo is out and about passing out his group's phamplets and having discussions with those who care to debate him. “ I am a man of the people and bring my beliefs and efforts to the streets. The world wide web is controlled by the you know whats!”
The diminutive Kisaburo, also happens to be an MS Sommelier and is great at food pairing advice with a focus on German and Austrian regions. He is also the founder and leader of the 38 strong Tokyo New Nazi Party and an rabid AKB48 fan.
His biggest victory was in 2005. After 5 years of petitioning and anti American speeches, Little Black Sambo once again went on sale in Japan. Sales of Japanese translations of the book Little Black Sambo (ちびくろサンボ chibikuro sanbo) and dolls were halted by protests by a group of angry foreign liberals and the following pressure from the US media in 1988.

Nice weather means he can sport his prized lightweight, perfectly fitted Hugo Boss 1938 SS Medical Officers uniform
Nice weather means he can sport his prized lightweight, perfectly fitted Hugo Boss 1938 SS Medical Officers uniform
Before the 159 cm Kisaburo was on the hate scene, other right wingers have had big victories. Kisaburo is happy to share them.
“After WW2, that war criminal , MacArthur, wanted all signs of the Nazi's removed from Japan. It was very close to being enforced. My father and his friends said it went against the Japanese tradition and protested in front of the major train stations. Thanks to them, the local maps can continue to use the swastika symbol to denote a Buddhist temple. “
Today, he has new enemies. It's the ignorant young people who have no idea of the glory of the Japanese empire before the war. “My students know almost nothing of our past glory, and almost nothing about German history, it's so sad!” red in the face , Kisaburo starts ranting and raving loudly in incomprehensible German for a full 2 minutes, before he runs out of breath and stops.

"The self hating, pathetic youth of today know nothing of Japan's history
"Hitler failed Japan! It's true. Die Amerikaner verwenden die Chinesen als Muskel. Sie wünschen uns Freiheit und Energie verlieren. Ich nehme ihn nicht an! But we Japanese still dream of how it could have been different.”
"Hitler failed Japan! It's true. Die Amerikaner verwenden die Chinesen als Muskel. Sie wünschen uns Freiheit und Energie verlieren. Ich nehme ihn nicht an! But we Japanese still dream of how it could have been different.”
I explained to Kisaburo that I can't understand German so he kindly switched back to English for me. Small in stature, he has a strong voice that should belong to a much larger man.
“Luckily, when I was a teenager in Tokyo, antisemitism and anti Americanism regained its momentum, a vicious xenophobic form with the translation and dissemination of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion by our brave Japanese army officers after World War 2. The appeal of this book has never waned in Japan, and for the last ten years variations on its themes have topped the underground Japanese best-seller lists”
“The GI's came over and marched through Tokyo with their big, clipped cocks. My mother thought they looked cool! I found them horrifying. They passed out candy to the kids, I refused it”

Japanese ladies love a man in uniform. This group of sexy students are no exception and show Kisaburo some love!`
Japanese ladies love a man in uniform. This group of sexy students are no exception and show Kisaburo some love!`
“The high school I've been working at for the past 34 years has an young assistant English teacher from abroad every year. They are usually pathetic, obsessed with sex and stupid. They only care about fouling our Japanese girls. I always confront and debate them about WW2, it's good English practice for me and it's much more entertaining than teaching the kids. Those worthless, loser , assistant teachers usually avoid me after the first few weeks of class though. I'm always in the staff room at breaks to make sure they can't relax and to protect the female teachers they are trying to fuck”
Those who study English, tend to be the insecure, weak minded followers of the American or British influence, French language fans tend to be women who want sex with Frenchmen or odd, meterosexual men, they think they're romantic or arty. The men who study German are usually fans of the Nazi ideology and very anti American. For 7 years, 5 days a week, Kisaburo went to Japan's infamous and now defunct, Nova language school in Tokyo were he became fluent in German. Most German teachers in Tokyo will tell you that 95% of Germanophiles in Japan are seriously mentally ill and should be avoided at all costs.
“ There was one teacher at the NOVA school, Guenter, he was ugly, short and full of shit. He actually claimed the Jews, namely the ten lost tribes of Northern Israel were dispersed and exiled by Assyria.
Guenter, tried to tell me that these Jews eventually made their way over to Japan,
and that one of them actually became the first Japanese Emperor.
Next he says these Jews led the conquest of Hokkaido's Ainu tribes, whom they pushed away to the East and to the North. That swine claimed that that's the reason it has been strictly forbidden to excavate the imperial cemeteries. I strongly complained to the manager of the school about his foolishness and demanded he be fired and have his visa revoked. They tried but couldn't though because he had a strong contract so they just transferred him to another branch the next week. He shouldn't have argued with me about that”.
Guenter, tried to tell me that these Jews eventually made their way over to Japan,
and that one of them actually became the first Japanese Emperor.
Next he says these Jews led the conquest of Hokkaido's Ainu tribes, whom they pushed away to the East and to the North. That swine claimed that that's the reason it has been strictly forbidden to excavate the imperial cemeteries. I strongly complained to the manager of the school about his foolishness and demanded he be fired and have his visa revoked. They tried but couldn't though because he had a strong contract so they just transferred him to another branch the next week. He shouldn't have argued with me about that”.
It's only 2pm and his GT Hawkins backpack of propaganda is almost empty. A very good day indeed!
German language study has had a phenomenal effect on vast segments of Japan's intelligentsia: on the one hand, they stoked the paranoia of ultra nationalist right-wingers; and, perhaps more ominously for the fate of pluralism and freedom of conscience in pre-World War II Japan. The study of German in universities and language schools transformed many frustrated, middle- aged Japanese men into rabid anti-Semites and added them to the ranks of the right-wingers.
“One time in a group VOICE lesson, another dumpy German teacher, Inga, tried to say that Prince Mikasa, the brother of Hirohito had established an academic organization to investigate the common racial heritage of Jews and Japanese, and the Israelis have even gone on to claim the shrines as Jewish monuments.
She said this 'secret relationship' is also why the Japanese general did not kill the Jews who were living in
Japanese-occupied China in WWII, despite the orders of our German allies had given us to do so.”
She said this 'secret relationship' is also why the Japanese general did not kill the Jews who were living in
Japanese-occupied China in WWII, despite the orders of our German allies had given us to do so.”
Kisaburo, who has a strong German accent when speaking English, didn't like being spoken down to by a foreigner, even if she was an actual German. He complained to the manager and Inga was transferred the following Monday.
“ I demanded she be fired but the fat, female manager claimed she too had a contract and asked if it would be OK to transfer her to another branch and keep her under close supervision. I accepted it and never saw her dumb face again.”

Oy vey! Fuck Kisaburo and the Tokyo Nazis. I got an American Fish Sandwich to shove in my fat ethnic face
Kisaburo Takeda is available to lecture on Bringing back the prewar ideology of nationalism into ordinary Japanese political life and discourse , at your school or university in English, Japanese or German, free of charge. Travel and accommodation expenses are appreciated if outside of the greater Tokyo area.