Dog Run Dating For Dummies
2009 was a very good year for Tokyo dating guru, Atushiro Tominaga, 42. He had his best year ever for getting new trim. The average looking, late bloomer had sex with 22 new partners- all of them from Tokyo's dog runs.
"Small, faggotty dogs work best"
"A few years ago I was only meeting women from those scam dating sites. Most of the 'women' were actually young, male, part time workers who would just toy with me. They got 100 yen for every mail exchange and just ripped me off. I met only like 4 real women all year on that site. The ladies can join for free but few do since there are so many creeps on there. Tokyo women dream of meeting a cool guy in Ebisu at a party or something. It's not really romantic to meet on a dating site and the girls are usually pretty desperate.”
The dog run is a non threatening venue where women are off their guard.Today, he's using 3 dogs to really increase his odds
Nampa miester, Atushiro sensei is right, Japan's hundreds of dating sites are usually scams to exploit lonely, shy folks and get them to part with their money.
Nampa miester, Atushiro sensei is right, Japan's hundreds of dating sites are usually scams to exploit lonely, shy folks and get them to part with their money.
“The dog runs in the posh areas of Tokyo are meet markets. I wish I started doing this years ago. It's really like shooting fish in a barrel, it's transformed me into a confident Alpha Male. I am an Alpha Male as long as I am with my dog. She's a crutch in a way, without her I am nothing. Dogs are what you westerners call ' Pussy Magnets' - natural ice breakers and conversation makers .... and great at making contact with sexy ladies ”
While some Tokyo singles might think that dating is for the dogs, the smart dog loving singles know that their overpriced, furry friend from the puppy mill can help them meet the right mate or make new friends. Sit at an outdoor cafe or a restaurant with your stupid dog and chances are someone will come and talk to ... your dog and you .... about your dog and dogs in general.

Target chosen and opened, his 2 students secretly look on and study his skills
Cocksmitten gay men in Greenwich Village having been using the dog run to cruise for sex since 1966. Straight singles in London, New York and San Francisco have been using dog runs for since the mid 70's to get laid, it's about time that Tokyoites have used dogs to their advantage.
Cocksmitten gay men in Greenwich Village having been using the dog run to cruise for sex since 1966. Straight singles in London, New York and San Francisco have been using dog runs for since the mid 70's to get laid, it's about time that Tokyoites have used dogs to their advantage.
"A few years ago before I got into dogs I was a pretty pathetic specimen of a man, the dog run gave me a new world. I was content to just look at these rich bitches. It was once enough for me to feast my eyes on them- I would feel as if I had enjoyed a full meal. Now, with the dog, I have a new life, passion. I live for this place, I meet at least 3 or 4 new women per day if the weathers good. Dogs are the best wingmen. Little, faggoty small ones are best. They have young, cute owners and that means that I can hang out in the small dog run. The large dog run has a lot of foreigners and families, but there are a few cute gals with big dogs. Generally though, the cutest, youngest single girls who live alone have small ones.”
His students today explain, " He makes it look easy, but every stage is scripted & choreographed like a ballet"
Tokyo's dog run pick up artists are know to trade dogs based on size for the day if another owner with a different sized dog strikes their fancy.
So if you are looking for a new romance, the ideal mate or just a one night stand, this is the time to let your canine friend open the social doors for you.

Ice now broken, Atsuhiro sensei's student can get in the picture
Not all the ladies care for the pick up artists. Stylish and single, Manami Y. has come to hate the guys who hang out in the dog run.
Not all the ladies care for the pick up artists. Stylish and single, Manami Y. has come to hate the guys who hang out in the dog run.
"There's this group of about 10-12 creepy guys who are always here... they try to chat up all the girls and they actually do know a lot about dogs but it's only so they can talk to us. I actually just want to give my sweet dog, Milk, a workout and a chance to run- he's in my 1 room apartment all week and he looks forward to a few hours outside on occasion. There are enough politics going on with dog that are too aggressive and dog rape happening here, I don't need a bunch of scary guys lingering around me... I think I only saw like 2 or 3 good looking guys here last summer, but they were with girls already.”
My new friend and mentor, Atsuhiro is passionate about dogs and gained a lot of dog wisdom and experience from his 4 legged companion, Kuro and all the dogs in his life. He always offers free dog training tips and resources from various experts so you too can understand and train your furry accessory better.
If you are looking for dog training and dating advice, Atsuhiro may be the man for you. He currently runs a 3 Day Intensive Boot Camp Training For Single Men. It's focus is picking up women via your dog. Dog runs being the number one place to hone their skills. Two weekends per month from April to November is currently all that's being offered. The first day has 3 hours of classroom training and 4 hours of supervised fieldwork. The second day is an in depth analysis and workshop. The final day is all fieldwork with last hour done at Starbucks for peer review and long term goal setting. He's also thinking about developing a workshop for women, “ Japanese women are generally pretty stingy.... I don't know if it will be worth my time.”
As part of a warm up exercise and confidence booster, the students have to open several women with dogs that they have no interest in.
He also offers a 3 hour Dog Run Etiquette course for regular folks once a month as well.
He also offers a 3 hour Dog Run Etiquette course for regular folks once a month as well.
Atushiro sensei also happens to be a foot fetishist. He works at famous Ginza department store in the ladies shoes section.
"My life is a dream, I touch and look at women's stockinged feet all day and then I hit the park... I live a charmed life. I also can share my knowledge with others. Sharing is caring and I like to help others.”
He's learned a lot over time and his innocent facade hides some dark feelings.
"I am also a sadist at heart. You'd never know it from looking at me but I am. One thing I really looking forward to is when these high class, married woman have to clean up after their stupid dogs. The look of disgust on their spoiled faces is one that money can't buy, which no woman can fake. The delight of having a woman have me watch her clean up.... It gives me great pleasure. These rotten women used to look at me in horror before I came to the dog run. Now, I am one of them. I am part of their social scene and a part of their world.”
Some free advice from Atsuhiro's 3 day course:
Using Dogs To Get Laid
Find outdoor venues where you can bring your dog such as a restaurant with sidewalk seating or around a park. Obviously you need to be completely positive that your dog can behave himself, lie down, sit quietly under the table or beside your chair.
Let your pup work his dog charm. Those cute eyes will stop any dog lover in their tracks for a deserving itch behind the dog's ears. You are probably ugly so your dog the only way anyone will initiate any type conversation with you.
Once your potential sexual conquest stops to look at your dog this is your cue where you strike up an interesting conversation. Since the dog stopped them you need to bring yourself into the picture and make them forget about the fucking dog.
Small, dogs that women and gay men favor are best. They get the most attention, love to be dressed up and can be kept in a small cage or box all week when you're working.
Big dogs will attract too much unwanted attention from families and kids who you don't want to waste your time with, they also are expensive to maintain, noisy and generally more annoying.
Female dogs are better, if you have a male you should get his nuts clipped. Nothing kills the mood more than your dog humping a potential mate's leg.
The course includes a shopping trip and a 10% discount where Atsuhiro sensei will choose your dog an outfit
Your first connections are obviously that the individual likes dogs and shops at a location that you frequent as well. This provides a common ground found in other possible chance meetings.
Sometimes this takes several tries to find an available individual, so repeat as needed. Let me tell you it is far less brutal than the dating scene and you really can meet nice people who wouldn't consider dating you in any other situation.
“Make sure you reward your dog after the first person so they repeat that cute behavior. Dog treats work well- always have dog treats, women love that shit, it makes you look kind. Places for you and your dog to hang out include, the dog runs in Yoyogi, Koganei and Inokashira Parks, Starbucks and other coffee shops, dog training classes and pretty much anywhere you can bring your dog with you.”
Atushiro sensei currently only offers classes in Japanese for now but is willing to work out a special rate if you bring your own interpreter.
All these people getting action while I sit alone in MOS Burger makes me sick. Fuck them all!