A Romantic Stalker In Tokyo
Teppei is 37 and divorced after a rushed marriage at 25. It ended after only 6 months but he's now labeled as a divorced man, therefore ruining his chances of finding a new wife or girlfriend. The stigma against divorcées is huge in Japan and you are considered damaged goods. He's got a decent paying job in IT and looks much younger than most guys his age. The meaty breasted salaryman is looking for a serious relationship and often tries interoffice matchmaking parties organized by his company's HR department. Teppei's company is old fashioned and it's mandatory for unmarried men over 30 to go to the parties.

" I really want to start having kids before I hit 40. So I need a girl a bit younger than I am"
" I really want to start having kids before I hit 40. So I need a girl a bit younger than I am"
I went to this gokon party last month and I really felt a strong connection with this one chick, Rie. She worked in finance and gave me her card. She was around 27 and single and I got the sense she wanted kids. I know I do. I thought her body type, personality and intelligence were going to be a good match for my DNA. Anyway, I really liked her but she was talking to that asshole Fuminori from sales all night. He got there all late and acts like he's all important. As soon as he comes she gets all happy and animated . Before he got there she was all texting and taking calls and acting too cool for the room. Then he got there and she stopped playing with her phone, put on that fake high voice and acted all cute.
Is Fuminori a good looking guy?
Well, he's all well dressed and thin and he has a nice bag. His haircut looks expensive and I bet he gets manicures. But he's a playboy. I know that he slept with at least 5 of the girls in the company. Two of them were only like 23 too, that's just sleazy. It actually disgusts me that all the girls like him. Oh, he's also thin and has pretty good looking, small face. But, I was told that guys who look good like him are usually no good cause they get all the attention and don't have to develop a personality.
"That asshole, Fuminori had his way with 3 of the girls that night. He's the real creep if you ask me"
I lost a lot of respect for Rie when she showed so much interest in him. She's pretty hot, long thin legs and light brown hair. She has this one tooth that sticks out a bit- kinda gyaru-ish. I know she'd be a great mother and I want kids. I really want my first kid before I turn 40. Most of the women I date are professional sex workers so they don't have any desire to see me or breed with me after the times up.
I really hate Fuminori, he speaks English real well. I think some French too. He's got cool foreign friends and a nice place in Ebsiu. He's a narcissist though. I'm sure the girls regret sleeping with him later. He looks like a selfish lover. His father is some famous retired baseball player or something.
So, what happened?
Well, Fuminori was like an hour late so we started without him, I was hoping he wouldn't come, he always makes the other guys look bad. Then everyone introduced themselves and all. During my intro her phone rang and she left the table for like 5 minutes. I was only interested in her so I only gave a little more info to the other girls- they were all like 33 to 35. We all exchanged business cards but I noticed Rie didn't even bother to take them with her. I saw a bunch of our cards on her chair when we left. I put all mine into my backpack a minute after I got hers.
Well, I'm trying to be assertive cause I thought she'd like that so I mailed her as soon as I got home. It was her work mail cause she only gave Fuminori her phone mail. He invited all the girls to Karaoke but Rie refused, maybe cause she was into me. So I emailed that I thought we had a good connection and I wanted to get married soon, but I'm kind of shy cause she was so beautiful but how I'm really nice and fun after you get to know me.
She never answered but that made me like her even more. I went to the company website and looked her up and I found her bio and pic. I mailed her again that I was impressed by her good job for her age and really wanted to meet her. Again she didn't answer. It's like she had some kind of built in radar warning system that told her to beware of me.
Why beware of you? You seem like a nice guy who just need to lose some weight and have a makeover
I'm a very virile guy for my age. Not normal. I never was. My marriage ended because I had such a high sex drive. She didn't complain when we dated for the first few months. I know she wasn't very experienced and maybe she thought my demanding sex 6-7 times a night was normal. She started looking old due to lack of sleep and asked to stop our sex life entirely. She got these big bags under her eyes and always had yeast infections, I think that was caused by my switching holes. Even at 37 I masturbate about 5 times a day. Basically whenever I find some privacy I have to treat myself.
I really hate Fuminori, he speaks English real well. I think some French too. He's got cool foreign friends and a nice place in Ebsiu. He's a narcissist though. I'm sure the girls regret sleeping with him later. He looks like a selfish lover. His father is some famous retired baseball player or something.
So, what happened?
Well, Fuminori was like an hour late so we started without him, I was hoping he wouldn't come, he always makes the other guys look bad. Then everyone introduced themselves and all. During my intro her phone rang and she left the table for like 5 minutes. I was only interested in her so I only gave a little more info to the other girls- they were all like 33 to 35. We all exchanged business cards but I noticed Rie didn't even bother to take them with her. I saw a bunch of our cards on her chair when we left. I put all mine into my backpack a minute after I got hers.
Well, I'm trying to be assertive cause I thought she'd like that so I mailed her as soon as I got home. It was her work mail cause she only gave Fuminori her phone mail. He invited all the girls to Karaoke but Rie refused, maybe cause she was into me. So I emailed that I thought we had a good connection and I wanted to get married soon, but I'm kind of shy cause she was so beautiful but how I'm really nice and fun after you get to know me.
She never answered but that made me like her even more. I went to the company website and looked her up and I found her bio and pic. I mailed her again that I was impressed by her good job for her age and really wanted to meet her. Again she didn't answer. It's like she had some kind of built in radar warning system that told her to beware of me.
Why beware of you? You seem like a nice guy who just need to lose some weight and have a makeover
I'm a very virile guy for my age. Not normal. I never was. My marriage ended because I had such a high sex drive. She didn't complain when we dated for the first few months. I know she wasn't very experienced and maybe she thought my demanding sex 6-7 times a night was normal. She started looking old due to lack of sleep and asked to stop our sex life entirely. She got these big bags under her eyes and always had yeast infections, I think that was caused by my switching holes. Even at 37 I masturbate about 5 times a day. Basically whenever I find some privacy I have to treat myself.
It's usually triggered by any of the number of girls I see during my day in Tokyo. I sometimes wonder how many times I've masturbated in my life. I started at 12 and if I calculate five times a day, 365 days a year for about 1,825 times a year, multiply that by 24 years for 43,800. The Google says the average ejaculation is is between 2 and 7cc's of semen. I'm a pretty big guy so my most conservative estimate is that I've ejaculated about 90 liters in my life.
Working in IT I get a lot of alone time, it worked out well that way.
OK, I'm starting to get why she might not have liked you. You might come off as a bit creepy to some girls. Are you this open about sex with women you meet at gokon parties?
Well, as you can tell I'm a bit shy but I think all Japanese men think like I do. I wanted to show this Rie I was serious about having a relationship with her. I mailed her a few more times and then I took last Thursday off so I could wait outside her office in Marunochi. She left the office at about 7 and I had been outside waiting since about 4 so I was pretty cold. I decided to follow her. So what? There's no law that says a where a man can or can't walk. If my route takes me the same place as the woman's then it's just a coincidence.
"Rie's body is built for breeding and would drive most men into a frenzy, she's from good stock"
Usually if they see you more than 3 times a day from a certain distance from the last place they know what I'm up to. To walk behind a woman, a woman I am interested in is a real joy in life. To see her gait and the way her hips move, the way the wind blows her hair, the way she pauses to look at things on the shelves in the shops.... It tells you a lot. I always go see what book or magazine she was reading. You can really get to know what goes on in a woman's head this way.
Well what happened with Rie?
Well, she went into the Shin Maru Building but she took the elevator so I'm not sure which restaurant she went into. I know it was the 6th floor though. I went up and had a walk around but most of the shops didn't have a window I could look in. I went back down to the lobby and waited. That bitch was probably meeting Fuminori or at some other Gokon party. She finally came down about 9:55 and looked a little drunk. I followed her into Tokyo Station.
Working in IT I get a lot of alone time, it worked out well that way.
OK, I'm starting to get why she might not have liked you. You might come off as a bit creepy to some girls. Are you this open about sex with women you meet at gokon parties?
Well, as you can tell I'm a bit shy but I think all Japanese men think like I do. I wanted to show this Rie I was serious about having a relationship with her. I mailed her a few more times and then I took last Thursday off so I could wait outside her office in Marunochi. She left the office at about 7 and I had been outside waiting since about 4 so I was pretty cold. I decided to follow her. So what? There's no law that says a where a man can or can't walk. If my route takes me the same place as the woman's then it's just a coincidence.
"Rie's body is built for breeding and would drive most men into a frenzy, she's from good stock"
Usually if they see you more than 3 times a day from a certain distance from the last place they know what I'm up to. To walk behind a woman, a woman I am interested in is a real joy in life. To see her gait and the way her hips move, the way the wind blows her hair, the way she pauses to look at things on the shelves in the shops.... It tells you a lot. I always go see what book or magazine she was reading. You can really get to know what goes on in a woman's head this way.
Well what happened with Rie?
Well, she went into the Shin Maru Building but she took the elevator so I'm not sure which restaurant she went into. I know it was the 6th floor though. I went up and had a walk around but most of the shops didn't have a window I could look in. I went back down to the lobby and waited. That bitch was probably meeting Fuminori or at some other Gokon party. She finally came down about 9:55 and looked a little drunk. I followed her into Tokyo Station.
Teppei, Rie and her friend Kumi had a great time in Hong Kong
I followed her home carefully, I kept a good distance so no one would think anything of it. I always wear soft soled shoes to be quiet in times like this. She was drunk and had such a sexy, wobbly walk. In addition to making her slim bottom wiggle seductively, her heels where also clicking on the quiet side street- the sound was like a mating call that made my testicles pulsate. At one point she looked behind over her shoulder. She was drunk but not so drunk to have a total lack of caution. She saw me but it was dark and I was about 15 meters away. She picked up the pace and I could hear her sexy heels walking very quickly now. I kept back in a dark doorway and listened.
After about 30 seconds I went back out and estimated where she was. I heard a nervous jingle of keys and knew it was her. I waited out back to see which light would come on, all the rooms were dark as it was after midnight on a weekday. She gave herself away! I snuck up the stairs of the cheap apartment building to room 202. These cheap, shitty apartments creak a lot so I had to move slowly.
Teppei will anonymously mail all the pics he took of Rie on their trip, over 100 of them.
I watched her pretty bare feet come out of the bathroom and go over to the kitchen sink to get a drink. I put the mail cover down silently and waited about 20 minutes before I dared look again. It was silent and late, I tried another look and could see she was now on the futon and fully asleep, her mouth wide open, still wearing her sexy top and underwear. It was dark and I only had light from the mail slot and her digital alarm clock. I tried the doorknob, you'd be surprised at how often women forget to lock the door behind them. It was locked. But, now I've got her address. I sent flowers anonymously on Monday.
Wow, that's really exciting and kind of romantic in an odd way. How many time have you done this?
I'm not done. I waited outside the door for about an hour, I thought she might have a sex friend, most women her age have at least one and women who live alone often have men over. If she had someone over I would have a ringside seat to their private business... It would kill me if it was that asshole Fuminori though. After a while my knees were hurting from squatting so long. I masturbated in the cold as I sat there in silence, looking at her form in the dim, green light. I left my seed on her doorknob and then slowly went downstairs, I used my iPhone's GPS to pinpoint the location and save it.
Thanks to today's technology, Teppei can keep track of everyone he adores.
Did she ever write back?
Not yet- I found out she was going to Hong Kong shopping with a girlfriend last week, I got into her work email account with my computer skills, I've been checking in on what she's up too but it's mostly work stuff. I really want to read her private mails.
I went to HK too, same flight. I followed them around for a day but only Sunday. They got into town late Saturday night and didn't go out. I stayed in the lobby, watching the elevators all night so I know they didn't leave. I only had Sunday afternoon to see what they did. I had to work on Monday so I flew out at 5pm. If we marry I think she'll look back and admire my resilience in getting her. There's a lot of guys like me in the gokon scene here in Tokyo. I need to stand out a bit, I've read that marriage minded women like a man who has ambition and goes after what he wants.