Tokyo Game Show: The Models vs. The Exhibitors
" It's a long way from San Jose but worth it! I'm swimming in pussy here!"
Calvin “ C.C.” Callahan, 34 is divorced after a rushed marriage at 23. “ I got married cause she was one of the first women who treated me like a human being. I thought I better snag this one or else I might not ever get laid again.” After a $100,000 wedding things turned sour. " She started treating me like shit and openly cheating on me with a Mexican guy"
Calvin got divorced in 2006, “ I guess I was working really hard on this company and I didn't really give her much attention. She put on about 60 pounds in a year and then left me without any warning. She took the Prius and condo, It's OK but I still gotta pay the all the mortgage until 2015 the she has to sell it or take it over. I guess I get the last laugh cause now I'm free to go out with Rui or Yua if I want”

Calvin “ C.C.” Callahan, 34 is divorced after a rushed marriage at 23. “ I got married cause she was one of the first women who treated me like a human being. I thought I better snag this one or else I might not ever get laid again.” After a $100,000 wedding things turned sour. " She started treating me like shit and openly cheating on me with a Mexican guy"
Calvin got divorced in 2006, “ I guess I was working really hard on this company and I didn't really give her much attention. She put on about 60 pounds in a year and then left me without any warning. She took the Prius and condo, It's OK but I still gotta pay the all the mortgage until 2015 the she has to sell it or take it over. I guess I get the last laugh cause now I'm free to go out with Rui or Yua if I want”
The inspirations for many geeks ejaculations
Calvin was looking forward to the Tokyo Game Show for over 20 years,
Calvin was looking forward to the Tokyo Game Show for over 20 years,
“ I used to read about it in Gamepro and Electronic Gaming Monthly as a kid- I thought Japan seemed so cool and I might even be considered tallish over there, I'm only 5'5'' so I don't do well with white girls. The Japanese girls I see in games and the movies are so cute and like white guys like me. I've been looking forward to these 4 days for years!”
Calvin and his small, 3 man startup company spent 1/3 of their annual budget to get a booth at this years show.
“Well, we paid airfare for 2 here, that was like $2200 and our room across the street is like $880 for the 4 days. We worked in a per diem of 100$ a day too. The booth and crap related to that cost about $15,000 for the 4 days. We used an agency to get the girls and they are about $600 each per day- I don't know how much they keep but that's what the agency charges. They also add all these other charges so I'm in the hole for like 30 grand from this trip. It's important for us to be here though, we want to give Japanese consumers a sneak peak of our gold plated cables that are made for the Xbox 360 and plasma TVs, we also have virtual software that will help c++ designers program flash games for the Blackberry” Calvin is very protective of the girls and laughs at watching all the men slip them cards, ask for their emails and blog address.
Sadly, the sexy, 23 year old , Yua is not too impressed with her client today, “ Yada! No way am I going out with that guy, nothing worse than being facefucked by a small, bearded man against your will! That guy looks like he jerks off in front of schools”
An 8 year old boys uses the " Where's the toilet?" line as an chance to practice his English with a paunchy, bearded foreigner
“He wears those horrible Dockers pants that look like he's wearing a giant diaper- where the hell does he get his clothes?” Rui was also disgusted, “I only go out with rich, cool, older guys. Usually married banker types. These camerakozo and computer dorks don't do it for me.... they're actually all repulsive. I swear these geeks must have taken thousands of pics of us this weekend.”
Fans Toshi and Hiro came all the way from Osaka to give Rui and Yua the heavy photo scrapbooks they put together. They were left behind in the dressing room- unopened.
“They should be paying us way more, no one gives a shit about whatever the fuck he's selling. I don't even know what it is and I've been here 3 days- no one else seems to care either. He just sits there like a creepy statue looking at us with his stupid water bottle. Why is he so dehydrated anyway? I think a few people ask him where the bathroom is but other than that he just stares at us.”

“They should be paying us way more, no one gives a shit about whatever the fuck he's selling. I don't even know what it is and I've been here 3 days- no one else seems to care either. He just sits there like a creepy statue looking at us with his stupid water bottle. Why is he so dehydrated anyway? I think a few people ask him where the bathroom is but other than that he just stares at us.”
By day 2, Calvin is becoming very critical of his hired help.
“ Well, that Rui has weird thumbs and her eyes are a little too close together for me, Yua is pigeon toed and seems to be a bitch, she pretends she can't speak English but I saw her talking to a big group of black guys a few hours ago and she sounded like a native! Fucking bitch. ' Oh,me no speaky the Engrish', Fuck her! Small titted, skinny lying bitch. I invited them to my hotel restaurant for dinner after the show and they said they had another job to go to. She also wouldn't even give me her email – she said it was against the rules” The angry, red faced Calvin is very disappointed after living on peanut butter sandwiches all year to come, " It seems that no one in Japan even uses Blackberrys! And the Xbox is like a distant number 3 here, not even on most Japanese's radar.... what fucking waste of time this was! Fuck Japan! Why do they even call it the Tokyo Game show?!?! I hear Tokyo is like an hour away by express train! There's nothing to see out in this area, fuck! I hardly even networked, everybody only wanted to see the girls. No one gave a flying shit about me or the products".

Both ladies suddenly spoke perfect English and forgot about the no email exchange rule when these video game lovers showed up
Both ladies suddenly spoke perfect English and forgot about the no email exchange rule when these video game lovers showed up
Yua and Rui both collected about 15 kilos worth of “gifts” from the camera boys who follow them from trade show to trade show. “ We only keep the bags, nice jewelry and cool shit, I throw most of it out or leave it for the ugly girls who clean our break room, I don't need that crap. Poems, photo albums that they probably jerked off on.... gross.”
By day 2 the smile is long gone. Growing more bitter by the hour, " Those two stuck up cunts don't know what they're missing out on".
Both ladies hate working the annual game show. “ It's the absolute worst event I do all year, the men here are the rock bottom of Japan. Complete dorks ! All the girls really HATE doing this show, fucking annoying. Some of our friends refuse to work this show, even though it's an easy $2500-3000 for the 4 days. I only did it cause I can get out at 6 and back in Tokyo by 7:30. I feel so violated after a day there, I have to scrub myself with a wire brush when get home.”