Japanese Women Have Spoken ( part 1)
This is the # 1 best selling poster in Japan for the past 4 months
White guys think they're all that- but they ain't shit. Their time is over. In the 70's and 80's whites had their choice of Japanese sex toy- all they had to do was be there- the novelty of being a Gaijin was all it took to be the meister. Thanks to the language barrier the women were clueless that the guy they were so charmed by was a complete dullard.
"1977 was Heaven ,78 was great, 79 still no decline.....
2004- they called him a bore, 2008 they started to HATE." from a Right wing Japanese children's song
In the 90's it was still pretty good, the quality of tail went down a few notches for foreigners but they still did quite well with very little effort. Y2K was the beginning of the end for the blue eyed, chino wearing devils. It got a bit tougher. If you worked in finance you could still get laid on a pretty regular basis. Other, less glamourous jobs and the white military men fell out of fashion. Today , being Black in Tokyo is a license to print pussy. Chocolate skin is thick and lush, sensuous to the Japanese touch, like satin and velvet made flesh. "There's only one patch of skin on a Japanese or white man's body that remotely compares to nearly every inch of a black man's skin."
This local Tokyo man, can't stand up. Just like his cock.
The first time she caressed black skin," it felt like a luxury I shouldn't be able to afford. I craved it more strongly than I crave a fish sandwich." That phrase, "Once you go black, you never go back" is all about the feeling of the skin. Maybe its because most Japanese women are attracted to a rough, tough, "warrior"-like man. And unfortunately, black males are stereotypically placed in that category. So it's natural that most Japanese women are
attracted to them. If they deny it they are lying.
The # 3 best selling and most controversial poster for teenage girls in Harajuku shops last month
26 year old flight attendant, Minami Ishikuro is finished with these white “charisma men”, a loser in their home countries they are able to finally get laid by chicks who are not completely repulsive or obese, she says “'in general, the white man in Asia is way overvalued and as the forces of integration sweeps the globe and evens the playing field, the truth will finally emerge".

She adds, "The white man knows the power and potential of the black race and would do everything to hold them back but for how long? When the playing field finally evens will the white man find himself how inferior he is to the black race? Only time will tell.” She's sworn off all non black men forever.
She adds, "The white man knows the power and potential of the black race and would do everything to hold them back but for how long? When the playing field finally evens will the white man find himself how inferior he is to the black race? Only time will tell.” She's sworn off all non black men forever.
Manami adds, “ All my hot flight attendant friends are also dating/fucking black guys- even the married ones”
Sexy 28 year old OL, Yoshie says, “ White guys who live in Japan are very geeky and skin and bones with no muscle. Any good looking, buff white guy in Japan is 99% of the time a fag. In farm country out in Minnesota ,where I did my homestay 11 years ago, the White guys are huge and manly."
Black men are in many Japanese adult videos marketed at women, white men are almost non existent.
"I cannot say why certain women go one way or another but if you are going to bed with a guy you at least want to have pleasure in the experience! Yes, sometimes you want to be ravaged and I hate to say it but you know who has the better skills in that area!”
While it may socially acceptable explanation for Japanese woman's craving. It's the animal passion that can turn the most mild mannered and inhibited Japanese woman into a wild sexual creature who has one night stands.... the white man in Japan is in decline. Throughout history every great civilization, like the sun, reaches a zenith and begins to decline. That zenith comes from arrogance, comfort and decadence, and it's heralded by very fast moral decline. Think of the Romans and their need to feed people to lions for entertainment.
We are doing the same thing, we just call it reality TV. The white man's time is simply passing, and all white men in Tokyo subconsciously know it. Hence the lack of energy and interest in the meat markets of Roppongi these days. The attractive women don't waste their time with white men anymore. Why bother? And the white guys are feeling it, which in turn leads to the depressive self-obsession. With Obama's election the black man's time has simply just arrived. So there's an energy there, a heat, that's undeniable, and that comes simply from progress and success and much larger, harder penises.

In the JAV aimed at women, Japanese men take a submissive role and the white men are absent
In the JAV aimed at women, Japanese men take a submissive role and the white men are absent
It's understandable and black men in Japan are in demand and superstars! Even the dorkiest fellow can pull 9's and 10's here- just cause he's black and a long legged mack daddy. If your actually American, you get bonus points. Most black men in Tokyo are actually from Africa and therefore much lower value to the women here. It's often hard to tell them apart- even for Americans. They usually dress identically to American Hip Hop stars and give themselves American sounding nicknames.

It may be time for the white guys who moved to Japan to get laid to pack up and go home. Your time is over. Nobody wants you.
Actual email from a retarded redneck in the USA:
"Nothing to do with Japanese women. Just something the black or Japanese racist made up for this “blog”. The “author” is so stupid it thinks one cannot use google.
Sorry more interracial children in japan from whites thatn blacks. Same with marriages. Stats prove yo otherwise.
Japanese women still grave whites over blacks, in general. More erotica for Japanese women feature white men than black men. White features are over admired, still. Just look at movies, cartoons and advertisisng and porn. I been to japan and the segement of girls that like blackmen is small compared to those that like white and erotic fiction and porn reflect this. Just walk into a porn store in japan.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJsSoaom ZSw
http://www.japanprobe.com/2008/02/24/fo reign-butler-cafe-in-shibuya/
Women paying just to be servered by whitemen.
http://www.transformationsjournal.org/j ournal/issue_06/pdf/mclelland.pdf
Real research that shows how women in japan are obsessed with whitemen. Notice the mention and sources about erotica for the women that almost exclusisvely use white men.
If Japanese women hated whitemen so much those would not exist. Nothing changed in Japanese women treatment in the last 15 years I have been there. Lol. All those plastic surgeries to look white still happen often , unforutunaly. I guess all those women in japan missed your fake memo. lol
This blog is so fake. I wonder if a racist black that is jealousy about how Japanese women and all other Asian women choose whites over blacks in general made it or a racist Japanese. Considering the homophobia of using white men on the picture of “gay Tokyo” which is kinda close to the ethnocentric homophobia of blacks in America and how this bashes Japanese men kinda points to a black guy with tremendous jealousy issues, which racist blacks on websites like topix.com spew similar racist, sexist rhetoric about asian women and/or white men. I scene this pathetic fantasy of Japanese women hating white men several times on that website.It seems the racist blackman can be obsessed with asian women and white men. They cannot stand it and the fact the are chosen last.
Or a Japanese man that lost a wife to a whiteman.
Whichever you are you are sad and pretty dumb.http://www.1001kisses.com/white-men-jap anese-women-and-sex/
another reminder for you."
From today, retards are banned from reading this site.
It may be time for the white guys who moved to Japan to get laid to pack up and go home. Your time is over. Nobody wants you.
Actual email from a retarded redneck in the USA:
"Nothing to do with Japanese women. Just something the black or Japanese racist made up for this “blog”. The “author” is so stupid it thinks one cannot use google.
Sorry more interracial children in japan from whites thatn blacks. Same with marriages. Stats prove yo otherwise.
Japanese women still grave whites over blacks, in general. More erotica for Japanese women feature white men than black men. White features are over admired, still. Just look at movies, cartoons and advertisisng and porn. I been to japan and the segement of girls that like blackmen is small compared to those that like white and erotic fiction and porn reflect this. Just walk into a porn store in japan.
Women paying just to be servered by whitemen.
Real research that shows how women in japan are obsessed with whitemen. Notice the mention and sources about erotica for the women that almost exclusisvely use white men.
If Japanese women hated whitemen so much those would not exist. Nothing changed in Japanese women treatment in the last 15 years I have been there. Lol. All those plastic surgeries to look white still happen often , unforutunaly. I guess all those women in japan missed your fake memo. lol
This blog is so fake. I wonder if a racist black that is jealousy about how Japanese women and all other Asian women choose whites over blacks in general made it or a racist Japanese. Considering the homophobia of using white men on the picture of “gay Tokyo” which is kinda close to the ethnocentric homophobia of blacks in America and how this bashes Japanese men kinda points to a black guy with tremendous jealousy issues, which racist blacks on websites like topix.com spew similar racist, sexist rhetoric about asian women and/or white men. I scene this pathetic fantasy of Japanese women hating white men several times on that website.It seems the racist blackman can be obsessed with asian women and white men. They cannot stand it and the fact the are chosen last.
Or a Japanese man that lost a wife to a whiteman.
Whichever you are you are sad and pretty dumb.http://www.1001kisses.com/white-men-jap
another reminder for you."
From today, retards are banned from reading this site.