Motherfuck the conformist ham and eggers with their shit shoes and suits... This rebel sports a blue head of hair to his meetings with the big shots of Ginza! Fuck them! He don't care what anyone thinks. He'll do it his own way.

This cool cat sports a white suit and long greasy hair.... A white suit/ shoes set in Tokyo is the most extreme thing one can do legally- the only thing worse is to shave your head and rock a bushy beard.
3pm- This cold hearted businessman struts past this down and out countryman without a glance.... a few hours later he will get whats coming....
11:45pm- Same cold hearted businessman. Now out cold and sitting in his own piss on the Yamanote line.
This Japanese cat says Fuck the Chinese, the Jews, Americans and most of Europe. He openly wears a Hitler mustache..... He still has an alliance with Germany in his mind. The style is as unpopular as possible in the West due to its strong association with Hitler. The Chinese associate this style of facial hair as a stereotype of Evil Japanese soldiers and pre war rich creeps. The mustache was also quite trendy amongst Kraut soldiers during both World Wars.

This man's man of Yoyogi would get beaten up walking around with a dog like that in some parts of town. He tells all his co workers he's straight but I reckon with that fruity dog he must suck a mean dick.

Fuck the USA and Ray Kroc - that corporate shill!!!
With one of the strongest unions in Asia, these McDonald's shitworkers openly mock the system and have 5 men clean a window.... 4 men watch for safety and one does the cleaning. The cost of the job is about 300$ for a 10 minute task. It would cost a humanoid clockpuncher about 2$ at home with no training.
A lack of confidence has these actors hiding their identies in this Japanese adult video....
This mushroom cut sporting creep believes that he's way superior to other almost homeless and has little regard for other people's feelings. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem, vulnerable to the slightest criticism. Narcissistic personality disorder is one of several types of personality disorders that are affecting Japanese under/unemployed men in their 50's. The cause is one of great debate but the increase of meat in postwar Japan and the introduction of Viagra are the leading theories.
The height of narcissim, this Japanese Johnny Ramone spends 5 minutes prettying himself up on the Marunochi Lines safety mirror
My brief observation of the above leads me to consider that he:
- Believes that he is better than other creepy guys
- Fantasizes about power, success and attractiveness
- Thinks his penis is much larger than average
- Expects constant praise and admiration
- Thinks that he's special
- Fails to recognize other people's emotions and feelings
- Expects others to go along with his ridiculous money making ideas and plans
- Takes advantage of others
- Expresses disdain for those that he feels are inferior
- Fucking jealous of others
- Believes that others are jealous of him and his hair
- Has trouble keeping healthy relationships
- Sets unrealistic goals
- Easily hurt and rejected
- Has a super fragile self-esteem
- Appearing as tough-minded or unemotional
I have to admit that he does have good hair.
The opposite.....
The fellow pictured above needs to think about the good parts of his life- for example, he's living in one of the world's most exciting and richest cities!!. He needs to ask himself, "What other things have gone well recently?" "What personal skills do I have that have helped me cope with challenging situations in the past?"
Tokyo's poor who are less resilient may dwell on problems, feel victimized, become overwhelmed and turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as alcohol abuse (drugs are too hard to get in Japan). They may even be more inclined to develop mental health problems. Resilience won't necessarily make their problems go away. But resilience can give you them ability to see past them, find some enjoyment in life and handle future stressors better.
This drunken little fuck in Shinjuku is on his way home to bang his model girlfiend. Blessed with dwarfism, he lives life to the max.
Man up, go home , throw away your underwear and go the fuck to bed! Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life!
Schoolchildren and the homeless of Ueno Park in perfect harmony.
With a sense of entitlement, this chap pays no attention to traffic laws and cruises across the busy street without a care.
Ueno may be on the Yamanote Line but it sure is depressing.....
This Japanese caveman was taken from his resting place, restored with wax and hair only to have his privates made public for the ridicule of giggling schoolchildren- 3,000 years after his death.
This place bums my ass out..... I gotta treat myself to a sangwich.
Hiro starts quick and goes for a wristlock into an Americana
Yoshi escapes and falls into a facerake and an Omoplata attempt-
his defense is much better than he was expecting
His Jujitsu is not as hot as he thought so he goes for a
standing kimura.....
Yoshi is having none of it and trash talks Hiro
I hope the little guy has tickets to the gun show tonight.....He'll need'em if he wants his buns pumped proper.
Fuck these fagalas and bums fighting.... I wanna get back to my fish cakes and Pad Thai.