Gay Talent
If you are an older gentleman with a medical reason preventing you from using erectile dysfunction medication such as Viagra or Cialis, I know the natural cure. Hot, young, boys...
Ask Johnny Kitagawa, the 76 year old president of Johnny's Entertainment in Tokyo. Johnny manages many J pop boy bands like SMAP, Tokio , KA-TUN and Arashi.
All these pretty boys in the band have one thing in common- they have all been fucked by Johnny himself. This is common knowledge in the very homosexual tolerant Japanese entertainment industry.
This old queen has been specializing in couch test casting hundreds of pretty boy Japanese wannabe boys since 1963. That's a lot of fucking and sucking.
Rarely photographed, a man of mystery, In an Raretreats exclusive photo. This creepy old pedophile is one of the richest men in the Asian Entertainment biz!
LA . is full of dicks who print up phony business cards with Playboy logos on them to fool hundreds of gullible young Midwestern, corn fed girls into jumping into bed with them for years. Showbiz hopefuls are eager to offer sexual favors to hundreds of vile old men and Arabs trolling the second tier clubs in Los Angeles with the hopes of getting their big break.
Japan ain't much different. There are thousand of hopeful young bucks who desperately want to be in the limelight, dancing and singing for the admirations of teenage sluts nationwide.
Scoop is you ain't going nowhere unless you get your hairless, adolescent buns pumped by Johnny himself. It'd the price of fame here. Shoganai.....
Even established acts like SMAP members, Takuya Kimura and Shingo Katori occasionally have to bend over for the big man himself. They are getting old but they're still hot enough- and the fame aspect makes him desire them a bit more too. They convince themselves that they are not gay- it's not the actual act but the state of mind that makes you play for the pink team.
Here's Kimtaku- He's been the regular recipient of Johnny's congealed, extra chunky ejaculations since he's been 15. That cute nose of his has been pinched shut and he's been violently face fucked by Johnny more times than he cares to mention.
Here's the diminutive, oddly large headed, 164 cm Kimtaku. Johnny has been doing him for 17 years now.
Johnny is also rumored to refuse to use condoms or lube and likes to suck his own semen out of the battered, bloody assholes of the talent he forces himself on and spit in back into the submissive's mouth. He loves it rough and the boys are known to leave his luxurious home in Denen Chofu in tears after very rough play. He likes shit, piss, blood and toys- and the bigger the better. A fresh young asshole is ripe for expansion and a bit of tearing- this builds character...... He has an million dollar indoor pool and is reported to have all the boys swim nude with him and bite him all over his fat , old body. He calls the boys in the pool his “ little minnows”. The pool has a glass bottom and walls and can be viewed from his lounge. He has lots of parties with the boys and demands they swim in the buff for hours on ends while he enjoys the show from below.
Ah yeah...... Johnny want's some of that hot young stuff.
The scene at his estate has been described in several books as if it were from an orgy in the Roman Empire. He videotapes it all as well and if you don't like it fine..... You can go back to your day job at Family Mart or your high school in the sticks - which many have.
The secret to longevity in boy band Pop is to keep Johnny satisfied. You can refuse of course but, this will lead to ejection from his training camps for the handsome young studs. Not every member has to give into the carnal advances of the big one himself... One of Johnny's signature secrets to success is to have one ugly member in all the groups
This seems to work well as the merch of the Ugly Guy is usually the # 2 or # 3 seller of crap in the Johnny's shop ( which has a 1 hour line just to get in) Japanese girls feel sorry for the ugly guy and may see him as more obtainable.
Tsuyoshi Kusanagi, the ugly guy in SMAP
He was "Best Jeanist" for five years until 2003, at which time he was inducted into the Best Jeanist Hall of Fame. I bet his 25'' waist and ass look pretty good to Johnny who like's em young, dumb and full of his putrid old cum.
UPDATE: Last month, the pressure of being the ugly guy in SMAP who Johnny never wanted to fuck or receive oral treats from snapped, got drunk, and stripped off his clothes and taunted the police in a Roppongi Park. A desperate bid for attention from Johnny himself!
He got it, he lost millions in ad revenue when all his spots were pulled. Johnny was outraged as he kept 95% of the money as per Johnny's one sided contracts.
The probably part Korean ,Tsuyoshi. The ugly ones have it easy at Johnny's
Japan is very well know for turning a blind eye to crimes involving sexual abuse and rape. Rape and sexual abuse victims almost never report it here- it's a perv's paradise! The Super Free Rape club at the prestigious Waseda University was raping girls for 6 years without complaint before the authorities reluctantly investigated and prosecuted the leaders. This was only because they raped a girl who they mistook for being from a 2 year technical school but was actually a Keio University freshman.... You can't rape a Keio student. Her old man had connections in the government. Bad choice guys- you should have screened the victims more carefully and you'd still be drugging and gang raping sweet young co eds for years to come.
This is good news for super ugly and creepy Johnny. No major media organization in Japan had challenged him until 1997 when the Shukan Bunshun, one of Japan's largest magazines, began publishing a 12 part, erection inducing series of sexy articles accusing him of having sexual liaisons with 11 to 18 year old boys he had groomed for stardom.
"If you're a television station and you don't comply with Johnny's Jimusho's wishes then all the popular stars will be withdrawn from your programs, your variety shows will not get any interviews with celebrities, and your ratings will plummet," said Masaru Nashimoto, an entertainment reporter. "The same thing goes for publications," he added.
Since the articles began appearing in late October, Mr. Kitigawa's agency has declared war on the magazine. It has accused Shukan Bunshun of publishing lies, filed a libel suit and denied its requests for promotional photos and interviews with acts managed by Mr. Kitagawa. The magazine's sister publications have also been denied access to Mr. Kitagawa's groups.
None of Japan's other major news media have reported the magazine's accusations or Mr. Kitagawa's lawsuit. Neither have they taken note of several tell-all books written in recent years by men who claimed that as young boys Mr. Kitagawa forced sex on them and others."
"12 teenage boys who took part in the agency's residential training programme. They tell of sexual abuse, including rape, allegedly carried out by Kitagawa.
As long ago as 1988, a former member of the Four Leaves published diaries which contained claims about the mogul's predatory behaviour among young recruits. And in two books published in 1996, another former Johnny's talent, Junya Hiramoto, said he saw Kitagawa rape a boy in one of the agency's dormitories"
Johnny's produced shows like SMAP SMAP draw incredibly high ratings and ad revenue. He is untouchable and no major media will ever challenge him for fear of losing his support.
Japanese TV and media is controlled by management companies and Johhnny's is one of the oldest- of course, since he is a homosexual with an eye for talent, he only deals with young boys and teenagers.
There are several other big management companies ( such as Yellow Cab, which specializes in management of Japanese broads with big tits) run by similar creeps but thats another story. The best part is that Johnny is a millionaire 500x over! He and most other Talent management companies here keep up to 95% of their “ client's” pay. All of Johnny's boys get a set salary and have to live in a dormitory until they are 20. He calls anytime of the day to arrange for the official Johnny's van to drop off the boys whenever he's in the mood. Fortunately, that means the average handsome boy is only forced to accept his massive, by asian standards, uncut penis about once a month. Being "talent" for Johnny is really a shit job of Japan.