You Bald Fuck!
Grass don't grow on the head of Kevin Dubrow, Baldylocks, your head looks like my cock.
Rug meister
Japan spends almost 1 billion US on hair care products and hair restoration shit in 2005,
Oh the vanity. In Tokyo baldness is a sign of weakness, impotence and generally synonomous with loserdom. As it should be!

Bald people suck and if the hot broads who pick and choose amongst the throngs of suiters who want to spoil them with luxury bags and trips to Hawaii have any say they ain't choosing Chrome Dome over there. He has weak DNA and shouldn't be breeding anyway.... Evolution will weed you out. Those of us with full heads of hair will rule the world.

Hair Helmet
Lot's a foreign men in Japan complain about the men here. We should kill them all and only keep the ladies..... No way! We need the men for breeding!

He calls his cock a piss pump, cause with a rug like that, it's all he uses it for.A hundred years ago this chump would have been a brave Samurai in the Imperial Army or some shit. Today, he's just another badly dressed drunken nerd with a low tolerance for modern spirits.
This cat can't even wait to get home to take off his cheap shoes and kick back. I say GOOD! A real taste of a man for everybody to see.
I think this guy is actually homeless but still, he chooses to go to bed right at the busy South Gate of Shinjuku Station. Why don'tcha find someplace a little more off the beaten path?
This college puke orders a water and then takes up prime real estate with his mouth open forcing all to look at his shit dental work. He's gonna go back to Saitama and tell his parents he was studying hard for the CPA exam or some bullshit.
NOT WARRIORS, I'm willing to wager that these geezers would be still be peasants if it were 1700.
And you !
These 2 clowns might have actually been some type of badass 100 years ago..... Today they are just a couple of part time humanoid clockpunchers in a 3rd rate pro wrestling league in the suburbs of Tokyo.
He tells his wife he's staying at work late trying to thwart the Japan's new financial crisis, but in reality he's out at the pub telling some 21 year old OL about his exploits at the office... Kenji, You need to trim your finger nails, then dip them in some butter and jam your hand up her ass. You don't have a girl to marry you got a fun wild time.
He actually is manly.... He would rather be slicing up Chinamen or Americans but since we are all at peace now he settles to take out his frustrations on a frozen tuna.
This brave warrior is so drunk he can't even walk down a flight of stairs without making a complete idjit of himself.
Not to get all poetic on you or anything, but this sushi tasted like an angel had an orgasm in my mouth. Who wouldn't want that?
I was gonna come over there dressed as a priest and chase you around the house. I like to play a little game called, "Say anything and I'll fucking kill ya'!"
Tokyo's trendy troglodytes have been sporting CROCS for about a 2 years now.... Kyoto people laugh at you. Fucking Ham and Eggers!
Sure , you fancy yourself an Asian Mario Batali who loves the comfort of wearing two Styrofoam coolers on your mallard feets! You can't be fucked to lace up shoes like a human. You wear shitty, Oyaji 3,000 yen slip on shit shoes you bought at the supermarket.

65% of middle aged Japanese men and clueless Australian and Canadian expats are fond of these 30$ shitty loafers.
Tokyo is full of shitty shoes. Many geezers in Tokyo are actually wearing a decent , fitted suit, then they go and fuck it all up with pathetic shoes.
Get some real goddamn footwear , Fruitcakes!

65% of middle aged Japanese men and clueless Australian and Canadian expats are fond of these 30$ shitty loafers.
Tokyo is full of shitty shoes. Many geezers in Tokyo are actually wearing a decent , fitted suit, then they go and fuck it all up with pathetic shoes.
Get some real goddamn footwear , Fruitcakes!
Foot fetishists of Japan rejoice. It's Boot season again! No more deformed feet with hairy toes that look like popcorn shrimp to see on your daily commute to your shit job. God don't want me yet man, I got more feet to taste!
Pushy Door to Door Salesman- I'd actually rather see his tiny feet in Crocs' than have to look at his repulsive hoof- like feet in sandals though. His choppers look like the row of urinals at Tokyo Dome as well.
He should bring his salesmen friends over and we'll force their heads down over my dick.
Sorry, Yoshi, sandal season is over........ Go to Okinawa if you need to see bare men's Terradactyl feet to satisfy your sexual lust.
Lemme get back to my sangwich
Asian American cunts in Tokyo are the worst. That sweet packaging with a bitter center. Oy vey. Go back to Ohio where your pussy actually has some value due to the novelty factor. Here, you ain't shit!
This tiny Croc all alone in Takebashi for no reason.... That's hilarious
Chinese American co worker with a severe case of OCD who makes a sandwich as thick as the NY Yellow Pages everyday for a year that he can barely fit in his birdlike mouth. Also hilarious.
Groups of White devils ( probably Aussie's judging by their clothes) drinking beer outside the train station that you see at 5pm and then still there at 1130 after you had dinner and saw a movie in Shinjuku. That's hilarious!
The number one selling Adult DVD in Tokyo this week, also hilarious. I am gonna get that shit to-day!!
If you are a single fella in NYC,
you might have to contend with women like this......

Good luck!
you might have to contend with women like this......
Good luck!