Trolling For Tuna In Akihabara
This LARP stud in his best duds , scans the floors of Radio Hall in Akihabara looking for Ms. Right now.
I doubt he'll find a pair of perky knockers like that on any live broad. His bathtub looked like egg drop soup when he got out this AM. "Between rape and boredom, I choose rape."
His next load will be dedicated to her
An honor it is!
He wants a sexy Japanese Gyaru. They want him. They look at one another and exchange a visible frisson of sexual energy in the lingering glances. And their attraction is based first on type. They are not those couples who "happen to fall in love" with someone of a different race and/or social status or more purposefully come together but out of some greater sense of subcultural understanding and respect. Not as politically-correct good looking, fashionable men and sexy younger women do they seek one another out.
Nerdy guys only cheat with their toys and fantasy
Most men over 40 have lost their waistlines and their zest for life if they ever had it to begin with. They carry resentments, grudges and extra pounds in their basketball sized bellies. Perhaps a good part of that bloat is unhappiness. Even the thin ones look doughy somehow and deeply aggrieved. They nurse the smallest perceived slight longer than their double shots of whiskey.
The admirations are mutual....
Akiba type guys on the other hand never had the looks, the charm , the latest fashions..... He had his fantasies, a Pete Rose haircut, GT Hawkins backpack and footwear.
With those young little girls in their swimsuits , how can you blame him....?
Maybe a little chubby and badly dressed, but Akibhabara type nerds have something regular guys don't have anymore: confidence in their masculinity, their sexuality. They clearly know they're men. Handsome,wealthy, Metrosexual and cool men appear to be waiting for the latest sociological research study to let them know if they are men or not.
Chicken dinners!!!!!
Yet Akiba dorks are gentlemen, something else cool guys no longer are. They make them feel like a woman, both respected and desired. They can let go of their inhibitions, their need to control, when sexy J girls are with them. How many "Ikemen" can treat a woman like a lady and ravish her too?
Resistance is futile, his pheromones are just too damn strong
Sexy J Gals and nerds choose one another because of their differences. We resent them taking our women. Akiba type guys are two and a half times more likely to marry a 8 or 9 than a plain woman is to marry a handsome man.
She got dolled up for the attention.
Plain women can point to that statistic in justifying their wrath. But in truth, sisters, they are after the sex, not the ring and these guys aren't the marrying kind anyway.
He knows the timetables of the trains and had them coordinated with the time that school gets out. Ah yeah! All that supple young flesh. Akiba is good practice for the real game!
These sexy little tramps work them up..... The pressure needs to be released- YES!!!
Good news for the ladies, single Akiba men are not in short supply....
Wang , Dang Sweet Poontang
They can do whatever the fuck they want. I gotta get back to my Salmon Sangwich.
?????????????? I ......just...... don't..... know.
Walk around Tokyo and I can guarantee that you will come across at least one androgynous weirdo per hour. I , who have a very good sense of my surroundings can usually pick up 3 to 4 on busy day. It's a lookie lou's paradise it is! The following shots were taken within 5 minutes of each other!

Walk around Tokyo and I can guarantee that you will come across at least one androgynous weirdo per hour. I , who have a very good sense of my surroundings can usually pick up 3 to 4 on busy day. It's a lookie lou's paradise it is! The following shots were taken within 5 minutes of each other!
At first I was really confused, I thought this was just a really ugly broad- but he was holding hands with a borderline midget bird with a matching haircut- How cute!!!
Many Japanese psychological androgynes don't even understand who and what the fuck they are. They may agonize for years, wondering how it is that they can feel androgynous if they don't look that way. Self-perception and self-identification are often problematic for our J- androgynes because, in many cases, their androgyneity is not readily apparent. Their own family may not know!

This bitch looked kind of sexy with the Prada backpack and sexy gait..... too bad about the bald spot
For most Western folks, the concept of an androgynous gender identity goes in one ear and out the other; it simply doesn't compute. The white devil sees no evidence of it, never heard of it before, and assume they never will again, so the concept is rejected almost as soon as it's mentioned. This cannot be emphasized enough. Even when the idea is reiterated, the reaction is usually the same: it is assumed to be bullshit. I can't blame my white brothers as it is a very rare condition indeed in the white man's world.

Oh snap! It's a dude! I wonder who wears the pants at home?
Oh snap! It's a dude! I wonder who wears the pants at home?
It comes down to what the fruitcake him/herself thinks. Do they consider themselves to have masculine character traits and feelings as well as feminine character traits and feelings to the extent that you feel repressed if you deny either of these for any extended period of time? Do they have a button and tiny sack were their naughty bits should be? Is their any pubic hair? A lack of hair may mean a lack of testosterone or estrogen- which would explain everything! Why do most of the freaks have androgynous names as well? Shou,Yu, Yuuki, Hiromi, Masa, Taka, Sumi - Is this some sort of self fulfilling prophecy bought on by the curse of their name?

Speechless, this corn fed American can't figure it out.... New Years in Tokyo not only sucks but it's confusing.
Speechless, this corn fed American can't figure it out.... New Years in Tokyo not only sucks but it's confusing.
“I once looked at his stupid blog (which was linked to his post), and the amount of bile and hatred he spewed - on innocent people, including random photos of some of them - was seriously disturbing...Im talking racist, offensive shit...not to mention the talk of abnormal stuff he gets up to in his personal life. Fair enough "Hairy White Prince" if you don't like women or heterosexuals, but keep it to yourself, ya hear? "The Hairy White Prince" is going straight to hell, no doubt about that”
Some Faggot on a message board

This sexy little bitch is drunk and unaware that she just stepped through a pile of holiday stew
It's that time of year where shitloads of overworked dullards drown their sorrows and loosen their ties to have a little fun. Everyone and their mother goes out in “Bonenkai” season.
Unfortunately, all those cheap suds end up on the floor and cause many folks to slip and fall in the mess.
The people that mock them are dog shit and gutless!

She was very fond of Bailey's Irish Cream- Maybe things are not as bad as they seem. Whatever happend, you passed out on the last train and woke up in Nerima, about 30 minutes from where you wanna be at 1:30 AM
She was very fond of Bailey's Irish Cream- Maybe things are not as bad as they seem. Whatever happend, you passed out on the last train and woke up in Nerima, about 30 minutes from where you wanna be at 1:30 AM
The eye candy of the office keeps the morale high in these tough times
Tokyo has a lot of creeps
Many Japanese ladies have fantasies of being with older gentlemen
and no shortage of ladies with low self esteem and father complexes ready to service them! They need motivation to keep the work standards high.
He does cause he can.....
And these motherfuckers need to eat for stamina
Before you judge them harshly, please keep in mind that these poor bastards are losing their gigs to robots as well so ya's gotta look the other way of they crave supple young flesh. You'd do the same thing if you could get away with it.
Everywhere you look middle aged men are out of work. These guys got dressed in their Sunday best and left the house at 8 am . The nagging wife don't know they lost their jobs..... It's for the best.
not much cooking in the want ads again....
Shit Toshima ku, Lotsa losers in here Toshima. Take a look around. What can be done?
Maybe moving to a reputable ward would be the easiest option.
And there is even a cat that looks like Hitler

If your sorry ass ever makes it to Tochigi, you should treat yourself to Nikko Saru Gundan. It's a run down indoor auditorium. The monkeys are dressed in traditional costumes and are made to perform dumb stunts such as jumping through hoops, ducking out of the way of wooden swords or walking on stilts.

While on the stage the monkeys wear chains around their necks, attached to which is a rope which the evil trainer holds. Like the Christian missionaries of the past and present,

Master and slave- this creep from Tochigi beats his monkey before, after and during the shows!
each day several teams of young people from Tochigi take aging and under performing monkey's to Tokyo. Here the lowest rung of performing monkey's entertain droves of consumers who need a distraction from eating crepes and buying small sized clothing.
The young people who make the trek into the city work 5-10 shows per day. The average take per show is about 2,000 yen.
"Take my pic already ya fat, flat faced bitch"
They also have to give a kickback to the owner of the space of about 20,000 per day for the privilege of entertaining his robotic customers.
The monkeys have the honor of being beaten in front of the shitty crowd of suburban losers who may give 100 yen at the end. Every time you watch a performance you lose a piece of pixelation that keeps your soul pure. That PB & J won't taste as good, the air won't smell as fresh, your pencil cock won't get as hard.

This rare female master is actually fuckable in a suburban kind of way- and as an added bonus she lives with monkeys, nothing wrong with that!
This is from Sunshine City in Ikebukuro, Ikebukuro is the playground for Saitama people. To make an analogy of Saitma would be to say it is the New Jersey of Japan. Forever in the shadows of Tokyo. The people are mostly humanoid clockpunchers. Very unremarkable and many of the youths have an obsession with black American hip hop culture and Star Trek

On a good note, you can get a decent curry at lunch for about 950yen

Maybe moving to a reputable ward would be the easiest option.
And there is even a cat that looks like Hitler
If your sorry ass ever makes it to Tochigi, you should treat yourself to Nikko Saru Gundan. It's a run down indoor auditorium. The monkeys are dressed in traditional costumes and are made to perform dumb stunts such as jumping through hoops, ducking out of the way of wooden swords or walking on stilts.
While on the stage the monkeys wear chains around their necks, attached to which is a rope which the evil trainer holds. Like the Christian missionaries of the past and present,
Master and slave- this creep from Tochigi beats his monkey before, after and during the shows!
each day several teams of young people from Tochigi take aging and under performing monkey's to Tokyo. Here the lowest rung of performing monkey's entertain droves of consumers who need a distraction from eating crepes and buying small sized clothing.
The young people who make the trek into the city work 5-10 shows per day. The average take per show is about 2,000 yen.
They also have to give a kickback to the owner of the space of about 20,000 per day for the privilege of entertaining his robotic customers.
The monkeys have the honor of being beaten in front of the shitty crowd of suburban losers who may give 100 yen at the end. Every time you watch a performance you lose a piece of pixelation that keeps your soul pure. That PB & J won't taste as good, the air won't smell as fresh, your pencil cock won't get as hard.
This rare female master is actually fuckable in a suburban kind of way- and as an added bonus she lives with monkeys, nothing wrong with that!
This is from Sunshine City in Ikebukuro, Ikebukuro is the playground for Saitama people. To make an analogy of Saitma would be to say it is the New Jersey of Japan. Forever in the shadows of Tokyo. The people are mostly humanoid clockpunchers. Very unremarkable and many of the youths have an obsession with black American hip hop culture and Star Trek
On a good note, you can get a decent curry at lunch for about 950yen
Is it any wonder the Japanese economy is fucked?
JR is losing millions a year and is in talks to raise fares. Why?
These 4 supervisors stand around like the useless pieces of shit they are and do fuck all. As is mandatory in Tokyo, the youngest guy pays his dues doing the actual work while he's 4 seniors watch and make sure it's done safely. If one of these pricks takes the day off for golf or some shit the whole operation stops.
These two limp dicked drones crack up at how easy their job is
This group a dead wood took over 45 mins to check an errant can that had been tossed on the tracks. It should have taken 10 seconds for one minimum waged part timer but this motley crew sure earns their pay by making sure it's safety.

Saftey first! These slackers sport useless hardhats that cost over 600$ each. Way to go, JR!

Mackin' and still on the clock, this JR manager slips out to a rub and tug to relieve the stress of his job... He can write it off as a business expense too.
This group a dead wood took over 45 mins to check an errant can that had been tossed on the tracks. It should have taken 10 seconds for one minimum waged part timer but this motley crew sure earns their pay by making sure it's safety.
Saftey first! These slackers sport useless hardhats that cost over 600$ each. Way to go, JR!
Mackin' and still on the clock, this JR manager slips out to a rub and tug to relieve the stress of his job... He can write it off as a business expense too.
JR supervisors have to be at least 38 and get paid 75,000$ a year to do this shit. What a life!

Here at JR, we piss away your dollars!!! Ha ha!!!!!
Chinese rail worker built the entire pathway to the American West for a $1,000,000 in inflation adjusted US dollars.

Chinese rail worker built the entire pathway to the American West for a $1,000,000 in inflation adjusted US dollars.
My hairy fat ass gets schtuffed in the car like a sardine cause those lazy JR pricks can't even find their assholes with a funnel
My proposal for Japan Railways is to get rid of these overpaid loafers and subcontract the work out to Chinamen! Motherfuckers!

Also on the verge of bankruptcy, Sunshine Shitty in Ikebukuro has 3 drunken shitworkers who make $40 an hour clean the sign 4 days a week. They are so loaded they don't even notice their ladders are upside down!

Oy vey! No fish sangwich for me today, I'll have to have a shit onigiri so those dolts can get paid
Also on the verge of bankruptcy, Sunshine Shitty in Ikebukuro has 3 drunken shitworkers who make $40 an hour clean the sign 4 days a week. They are so loaded they don't even notice their ladders are upside down!
Oy vey! No fish sangwich for me today, I'll have to have a shit onigiri so those dolts can get paid
After 30 seconds of unintelligible banter, this cherubic Asian pugilist one punched the older gentleman who got lippy with him. He took offense to his long hair and metal axe slung over his shoulder.
Triumphant! This heavy metal rock freak fan has little fists of stone.
Yolked and most likely suffering a broken jaw and a concussion, this poor man's George Clooney winces in agony and humiliation.
Dag! Down for the count... . someone should call 119!
The old creep used to be a badass.... I gave him dirty look with clenched fists and he looked at me with cowardness and friendship
If you tried to hit him he'd take off his shirt and offer to let you titty fuck him instead.
This guys tough. He fought a man for 17 rounds- he was an invalid. He only boxed the infirm...
Undefeated. Except for the times he slipped in shit running out of their hospital rooms.
Nothing gets his blood boiling like seeing someone who can't move below the waist. " I don't like people my age as they hit back hard".

I may be fat and hairy but....

You're fugly and I can go on a diet and shave down.
I may be fat and hairy but....
You're fugly and I can go on a diet and shave down.